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Tag Archives: North Dakota

“ We were treated to a direct flyover of rugged Madagascar.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA




Bilder vom 22. November 2017 – 24. November 2017 via Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten  Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 53.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

Mark Thomas Vande Hei auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

“ We were treated to a direct flyover of rugged Madagascar.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Goodnight Aman“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ ISS Exp 53 – We have much to be thankful for. For me it’s a crew that loves life & appreciates the fortunate opportunity to serve here.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ The impressively long river stretching from North Dakota to Missouri! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

’s Western Territory and its infinite shades of red! // L’Australia Occidentale e le sue infinite sfumature di rosso! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ More starry sand dunes! The ever-changing direction of the winds in this particular area of the Sahara gives the dunes this fantastic shape… “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Привет, ! Этот город в Самарской области был основан еще в 1683 году Hello, ! This city in the Samara region was founded back in 1683″ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos




Bilder vom 12. November 2017 – 14. November 2017 via Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Joseph M. Acaba (USA/NASA), Mark Thomas Vande Hei (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten  Randolph Bresnik, Joseph M. Acaba, Mark Thomas Vande Hei, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 53.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

Mark Thomas Vande Hei auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

“ Solar arrays glow beautifully at sunrise as the cargo vehicle approaches with tons of and supplies.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Solar arrays glow beautifully at sunrise as the cargo vehicle approaches with tons of and supplies.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Solar arrays glow beautifully at sunrise as the cargo vehicle approaches with tons of and supplies.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ . flies the robotic arm like a rock star and grapples the newest member of Expedition 53 – S.S. Gene Cernan !“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ . flies the robotic arm like a rock star and grapples the newest member of Expedition 53 – S.S. Gene Cernan !“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ . flies the robotic arm like a rock star and grapples the newest member of Expedition 53 – S.S. Gene Cernan !“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ . flies the robotic arm like a rock star and grapples the newest member of Expedition 53 – S.S. Gene Cernan !“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Busy two weeks doing lots of maintenance along with . Hands on skills are super important up here.“ /via Joseph M. Acaba/NASA

“ Here we go! Always remember, there is blue sky above those clouds, no matter how much shadow they create beneath them. “ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA

’s ephemeral salt lakes Mackay, Macdonald (Western border of the Gibson North desert) and Lake Torrens (in the South)… such colours! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

’s ephemeral salt lakes Mackay, Macdonald (Western border of the Gibson North desert) and Lake Torrens (in the South)… such colours! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

’s ephemeral salt lakes Mackay, Macdonald (Western border of the Gibson North desert) and Lake Torrens (in the South)… such colours! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Пожары, бушующие в северных районах . // Raging fire breaks out in northern .“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ So it turns out that the second time I celebrate my on the International Space Station. I want to say many thanks to all of you for interesting comments. Your emotions, your ideas, your enthusiasm and your criticism are very helpful and supportive in this flight.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in , United States. The Grand Canyon is 446 km long, up to 29 km wide and attains a depth of over a mile (1,857 meters).“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The first ancient settlements on the site of modern appeared at the V century BC, once there was an ancient Greek colony, and the official history of Odessa as a city was counted from 1794 “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

is the largest and most populated island of the seven Islands.It is also the most populated island of Spain.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

„Lost and found . Just came across this one I took months ago. Cool!   “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA




Bilder vom 27. Januar 2016 – 2. Februar 2016 via Scott Kelly (USA/NASA). Der Astronaut  Scott Kelly gehörte zur ISS-Expedition 46.


The Data2364-space Daily

Scott Kelly auf Twitter

Scott Kelly auf Facebook

„Lost and found . Here’s another photo find I took months ago. Like finding money in my pocket!   “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 306. Here we go off into . from !   “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 307. Their spirit and legacy lives on in our achievements in space. from . “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

sunrise from !  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

“ Had a great view of yesterday morning!  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

is unmistakable from .  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

“ Day 309. nights. from !  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

!  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

!  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

“ Day 310. Good night, everyone. from !  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

! My 11th full month is space! Thanks for having an extra day! ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

“ Honoring friends & crew of as we carry on their efforts & exceed limits in space from today“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

“ Day 311. When you think of beautiful things. Don’t forget Earth. from !  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

you were particularly brilliant this morning!  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

once served as critical spacecraft transit. Cool to see from today!  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Hello ! Admiring the volcanoes of Nusa Tenggara in the early morning light. “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA



Bilder vom 13./14. Mai 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA), Terry Virts (USA/NASA) und Scott Kelly (USA/NASA). Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Virts und Scott Kelly gehören zur ISS-Expedition 43.



Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook

Scott Kelly auf Twitter

Anton Schkaplerow auf Instagram

„The immense plains of North America. / (IT) Le immense pianure del Nord America.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Hello ! The old city of Berne, with its precious medieval architecture, is a site. “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Today was our original landing date but we got extended, , and I are very glad to stay!“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Where meets . “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Gulf of Oman, and under a bright sun.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

! Tan pebble beaches are for the birds. This archipelago boasts white and black sandy shores. Name it!“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Caught our star peeking through ’s solar arrays today. Good night from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA



Bilder vom 10./11. April 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA), Terry Virts (USA/NASA) und Scott Kelly  (USA/NASA).  Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Virts und Scott Kelly gehören zur ISS-Expedition 43.


Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook

Scott Kelly auf Twitter

Anton Schkaplerow auf Instagram

„Take a close look at the desert near El Kharga, in . Intriguing, isn’t it?“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Moonglint over the Mediterranean. Il riflesso della luna sul Mediterraneo. “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„You get a sense of the height from the length of the shadows, seen from space.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

, in southwestern Africa, home to the tallest sand dunes on earth.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Think you can find my hometown? fans, click to guess which image is .“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Think you can find my hometown? fans, click to guess which image is .“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Think you can find my hometown? fans, click to guess which image is .“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Think you can find my hometown? fans, click to guess which image is .“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Tropical Cyclone in the Indian Ocean earlier today. This storm is huge.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Tropical Cyclone . I took this one tonight.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Baja with Mexico beyond. The Earth is truly an amazing blue planet.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

You seem to have much to offer. Need to see up close someday. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Hopefully this is pollen or algae and not something man made. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„This area saw some serious action about 350 million years ago! Gweni-Fada meteorite crater in .“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA


Bilder vom 29./30. Dezember 2014 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA), Terry Virts (USA/NASA), Anton Schkaplerow (Russland/Roskosmos) und Barry Wilmore (USA/NASA)Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Virts, Anton Schkaplerow und Barry Wilmore gehören zur ISS-Expedition 42.


Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook


The Data2364-space Daily


„And good night from . E buonanotte dallo spazio. “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Hello cloud lovers! Here’s a treat I spotted in Morocco.  “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Shades of white. The Missouri river and Lake Sakakawea – looks chilly down there in !  „/via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Hello Dominican Republic! Nested in the green is capital Santo Domingo, a site!  “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Hallo ! Recognize these beautiful lakes? I think I can see Lausanne!“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„It is amazing how much world history is in this picture “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Brazil at night- Rio, Sao Paolo, all the way to Brasilia“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„If I couldn’t be in space right now I’d want to be here- „/via Terry Virts/NASA

„If I couldn’t be in space right now I’d want to be here- „/via Terry Virts/NASA

„If I couldn’t be in space right now I’d want to be here- „/via Terry Virts/NASA

„If I couldn’t be in space right now I’d want to be here- „/via Terry Virts/NASA

„How appropriate- Canadian robotic arms looking down over Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Родной // My native “ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

located on both sides of the strait, which connects the Marmara and the Black “ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

“Today!!”  /via @NASA_Astronauts

River”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

River”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

River”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

“Expedition 42 Guide to the Galaxy”  /via @NASA_Astronauts

“Can you find Mount ? It is in each of these pictures … answers tomorrow.”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

„Can you find Mount ? It is in each of these pictures … answers tomorrow.”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

„Can you find Mount ? It is in each of these pictures … answers tomorrow.”   /via @NASA_Astronauts





„Ice Cover on Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota“ /via NASA


Dieses Bild, aufgenommen von einem Astronauten an Bord der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS), illustriert die harten Winterbedingungen, die North Dakota häufig erlebt. Eis bedeckt die Oberfläche des nordwestlichen Lake Sakakawea, ein Stausee am Missouri. Eine lokale Wetterstation in der Nähe von New Town/North Dakota berichtete von einer Lufttemperatur von -24 ° C (-11 ° F), mit einer Windkälte von etwa -32 ° C (-25 ° F) um 10:36 a.m. Ortszeit – 6 Minuten bevor das Bild aufgenommen wurde. Zusätzlich zu dem grauen Eis auf dem See hebt weißer Schneestaub die landwirtschaftlichen Felder im Norden und Nordosten hervor, sowie Risse und Unregelmäßigkeiten in den Eisflächen. Für ein Gefühl des Maßstabs, die Arme des Sees zu beiden Seiten von New Town sind ca. 10 Kilometer (6 Meilen) auseinander. Der Lake Sakakawea wurde -in der Hidatsa-Sprache – benannt nach einer ShoshoneIndianerin, die allgemein bekannt war als Sacajawea oder „Vogelfrau“. In den Jahren 1805 -1806 begleitete sie die Lewis-und-Clark-Expedition als Dolmetscherin und Kundschafterin.

„Red River overflowing – Spring floods making a sorry mess between Grand Forks and Winnipeg.“ /via Chris Hadfield/CSA/NASA


Bild via Chris Hadfield (Kanada/CSA) auf Twitter (@Cmdr_Hadfield).  Frühlings-Überschwemmungen des Red River of the North machen ein trauriges Durcheinander zwischen Grand Forks (North Dakota) und Winnipeg in der kanadischen Prärieprovinz Manitoba.


Chris Hadfield auf Google+

Chris Hadfield auf Facebook

-Todesurteil für den Nazi-Kriegsverbrecher Adolf Eichmann (Eichmann-Prozess) 1961.
-der US-Bandleader Glenn Miller verschwand während des 2. Weltkriegs 1944 spurlos über dem Ärmelkanal. Es wird angenommen, daß das Flugzeug am 15. Dezember 1944, mit dem Miller nach Frankreich unterwegs war, über dem Ärmelkanal wegen dichten Nebels von Bomben britischer Flugzeuge getroffen wurde, die dort ihre restliche Bombenlast abwarfen. Nachdem Paris durch die Alliierten befreit war, sollte im Dezember 1944 Millers „Army Air Force Orchestra“ dort im Olympia auftreten.
-Abschluß der Ratifizierung der Bill of Rights (die ersten zehn Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten) 1791. Die Bill of Rights wurde vom US-Kongress am 25. September 1789 beschlossen und von 11 Bundesstaaten ratifiziert.
Sitting Bull, der Stammeshäuptling und Medizinmann der HunkpapaLakotaSioux, wurde 1890 in seinem Lager am Grand River im Standing-Rock-Reservat/North Dakota von Polizisten der Reservats-Polizei erschossen und seine Leiche verstümmelt.
-der US-Filmproduzent Walt Disney starb 1966 in Los Angeles/Kalifornien.
-Weltpremiere des US-Filmklassikers „Vom Winde verweht“ („Gone with the Wind“), mit den US-Schauspielern Clark Gable und Vivien Leigh in den Hauptrollen, 1939 in Atlanta/Georgia.