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Tag Archives: Samara

„Hello fans! I took a new picture of Barcelona for you just a few days ago. Good luck to my friends for this race weekend in Spain at ! “ /via Andrew J. Feustel /NASA





Bilder vom 23. April 2018 – 16. Juni 2018 via Andrew J. Feustel  (USA/NASA), Richard R. Arnold  (USA/NASA) und Oleg Artemjew  (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten Andrew J. Feustel, Richard R. Arnold und Oleg Artemjew gehören zur ISS-Expedition 56.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Alexander Gerst auf Twitter

Andrew J. Feustel auf Twitter

Richard R. Arnold auf Twitter

Oleg Artemjew auf Twitter

Serena Auñón-Chancellor auf Twitter

„Space was our office yesterday. “ /via Richard R. Arnold/NASA

“ My first attempt to photograph the Aurora during my second space flight.“ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

(on the left) is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and an autonomous region of . (on the right) is an island in the Mediterranean Sea and one of the 18 regions of .“ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

“ International Children’s Center from space. is the largest international children’s center in the world. It is located in , in one of the most beautiful places on Earth – along the coast.“ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„«Гагаринский старт» на Байконуре ждет следующий корабль, который стартует в июне. А мы очень ждем с ним экипаж Сергея Прокопьева… 🚀 . Gagarin’s Start is a launch site at Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„Я думаю, что вы сразу же узнали – самое глубокое озеро планеты, крупнейший природный резервуар пресной воды, „Жемчужина“ России! “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

“ Lake is a rift lake in Russia, located in southern Siberia. Baikal is the largest freshwater lake by volume in the world.“ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„Просто красивая перед заходом за горизонт Земли. Захватывающий вид, не правда ли? . Moonset. Isn’t it a spellbinding view? “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

“ The Palm is an artificial archipelago. It is located on the Jumeirah coastal area of the emirate of №Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Together with family we were there 5 years ago.“ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

“ At this photo you can see the homeland of my friend : , , …“ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„Hello, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don and Samara from the International ! Are you ready for an exciteful football match? “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

“ We were treated to a direct flyover of rugged Madagascar.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA




Bilder vom 22. November 2017 – 24. November 2017 via Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten  Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 53.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

Mark Thomas Vande Hei auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

“ We were treated to a direct flyover of rugged Madagascar.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Goodnight Aman“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ ISS Exp 53 – We have much to be thankful for. For me it’s a crew that loves life & appreciates the fortunate opportunity to serve here.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ The impressively long river stretching from North Dakota to Missouri! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

’s Western Territory and its infinite shades of red! // L’Australia Occidentale e le sue infinite sfumature di rosso! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ More starry sand dunes! The ever-changing direction of the winds in this particular area of the Sahara gives the dunes this fantastic shape… “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Привет, ! Этот город в Самарской области был основан еще в 1683 году Hello, ! This city in the Samara region was founded back in 1683″ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos





Bilder vom 19. August 2017 – 21. August 2017 via Jack Fischer (USA/NASA), Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten Jack Fischer, Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 52.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Jack Fischer auf Twitter

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

“ Folks, you’re in for a treat. This dude has mad photo skills, & he just got to ! Follow for .“ /via Jack Fischer/NASA

“ As the sun rose on our Russian crew’s 7.5 hr spacewalk, their helmets lights gave off a glow that made it look like they were underwater…“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ …but all we had to do was look down to be reminded that they were 250 miles high, not 250 fathoms deep “ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Eastern coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula looks very inviting…“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ …and has lovely Cozumel hovering just offshore“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ The star of the show for tomorrow’s . We are watching the rehearsal up here and I think it will be a good show.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Hidden message from mother-ship … Can you spot the heart?  “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Well… I might be biased, but someone shines bright at night!  “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ The coastal town of Chebba in Tunisia and its very very blue waters!  “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Ciao … Lo vedete il cuore? Si bieusu! // Hello Cagliari, can you spot the ?  “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

– столица Республики Бурятия // is the capital city of the Republic of Buryatia, Russia.  “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Пролетаем где-то над Казахстаном… Очень красиво выглядит // Somewhere over Kazakhstan… Very beautiful.  “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ «Все дороги ведут в Рим…» Столица Италии – город // «All roads lead to …» Rome is the capital of “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ В Никарагуа проснулся вулкан 🌋// volcano eruption in Nicaragua 🌋 “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ С добрым утром, 👋// Good morning, 👋 !“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos