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Tag Archives: Norddakota

“ We were treated to a direct flyover of rugged Madagascar.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA




Bilder vom 22. November 2017 – 24. November 2017 via Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten  Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 53.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

Mark Thomas Vande Hei auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

“ We were treated to a direct flyover of rugged Madagascar.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Goodnight Aman“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ ISS Exp 53 – We have much to be thankful for. For me it’s a crew that loves life & appreciates the fortunate opportunity to serve here.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ The impressively long river stretching from North Dakota to Missouri! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

’s Western Territory and its infinite shades of red! // L’Australia Occidentale e le sue infinite sfumature di rosso! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ More starry sand dunes! The ever-changing direction of the winds in this particular area of the Sahara gives the dunes this fantastic shape… “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Привет, ! Этот город в Самарской области был основан еще в 1683 году Hello, ! This city in the Samara region was founded back in 1683″ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos




Bilder vom 12. November 2017 – 14. November 2017 via Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Joseph M. Acaba (USA/NASA), Mark Thomas Vande Hei (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten  Randolph Bresnik, Joseph M. Acaba, Mark Thomas Vande Hei, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 53.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

Mark Thomas Vande Hei auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

“ Solar arrays glow beautifully at sunrise as the cargo vehicle approaches with tons of and supplies.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Solar arrays glow beautifully at sunrise as the cargo vehicle approaches with tons of and supplies.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Solar arrays glow beautifully at sunrise as the cargo vehicle approaches with tons of and supplies.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ . flies the robotic arm like a rock star and grapples the newest member of Expedition 53 – S.S. Gene Cernan !“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ . flies the robotic arm like a rock star and grapples the newest member of Expedition 53 – S.S. Gene Cernan !“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ . flies the robotic arm like a rock star and grapples the newest member of Expedition 53 – S.S. Gene Cernan !“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ . flies the robotic arm like a rock star and grapples the newest member of Expedition 53 – S.S. Gene Cernan !“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Busy two weeks doing lots of maintenance along with . Hands on skills are super important up here.“ /via Joseph M. Acaba/NASA

“ Here we go! Always remember, there is blue sky above those clouds, no matter how much shadow they create beneath them. “ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA

’s ephemeral salt lakes Mackay, Macdonald (Western border of the Gibson North desert) and Lake Torrens (in the South)… such colours! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

’s ephemeral salt lakes Mackay, Macdonald (Western border of the Gibson North desert) and Lake Torrens (in the South)… such colours! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

’s ephemeral salt lakes Mackay, Macdonald (Western border of the Gibson North desert) and Lake Torrens (in the South)… such colours! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Пожары, бушующие в северных районах . // Raging fire breaks out in northern .“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ So it turns out that the second time I celebrate my on the International Space Station. I want to say many thanks to all of you for interesting comments. Your emotions, your ideas, your enthusiasm and your criticism are very helpful and supportive in this flight.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in , United States. The Grand Canyon is 446 km long, up to 29 km wide and attains a depth of over a mile (1,857 meters).“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The first ancient settlements on the site of modern appeared at the V century BC, once there was an ancient Greek colony, and the official history of Odessa as a city was counted from 1794 “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

is the largest and most populated island of the seven Islands.It is also the most populated island of Spain.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos