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Tag Archives: Madrid




Bilder vom 8. September 2017 – 10. September 2017 via Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 52.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

“ Where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Mediterranean Sea. From Gibraltar it was crystal clear along the Spanish and Moroccan coastlines.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Mediterranean Sea. From Gibraltar it was crystal clear along the Spanish and Moroccan coastlines.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Unfortunately, a tale of two hurricanes…… First .“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ The tentacles of the bow wave of clawing its way up Florida….“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ In ’s wake Turks & Caicos, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands….“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ The beautiful sands of Turks & Caicos churned up into a kaleidoscope of colors after .“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ The US Virgin Islands reeling from ’s passage….“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Hurricane regrettably following a familiar path…“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ The eye of , may it veer north and east away from those so affected by Irma’s wrath already.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ L‘ di notte… Una vista che non stanca mai! // by night! 😆🌃 “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Ciao Soyuz, ti stai godendo il viaggio vero? // Ciao Soyuz, are you enjoying the ride? 🌏🚀 “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Spoons, sauces and food pouches flying around… Just your regular dinner in space! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ An unexpected perspective caught me by surprise: I spot a face down there along the African coast. Do you see it? “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Удалось сделать несколько фотографий сердца Испании. – необыкновенной красоты город. // – the heart of from space.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Удалось сделать несколько фотографий сердца Испании. – необыкновенной красоты город. // – the heart of from space.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

из космоса выглядит фантастически, а вот людям, встретившимся с ней на Земле, я не завидую…“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ This is how a is seen from “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

празднует свой 870-ый день рождения! Поздравляю любимый город! // celebrates its 870th anniversary!“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

празднует свой 870-ый день рождения! Поздравляю любимый город! // celebrates its 870th anniversary!“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

празднует свой 870-ый день рождения! Поздравляю любимый город! // celebrates its 870th anniversary!“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

празднует свой 870-ый день рождения! Поздравляю любимый город! // celebrates its 870th anniversary!“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Ночная , освещенная огнями городов, очень напоминает звёздное небо, согласны? // at night looks like a starry sky, isn’t it?“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos


“ Shhh…we’re seeing a space ninja () in her natural habitat, rocking the science in 0g!” “ /via Jack Fischer/NASA




Bilder vom 13. Mai 2017 – 15. Mai 2017 via Jack Fischer (USA/NASA) und Thomas Pesquet  (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Jack Fischer und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 51.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Jack Fischer auf Twitter

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Facebook

“ Checkout the Dynamic Duo ( & ), arms-deep in unlocking the secrets of bone loss aboard the ISS. “ /via Jack Fischer/NASA

-sorry about reflections, but you can see moon next to my helmet & you might notice the size of my smile-spacewalks are AWESOME! “ /via Jack Fischer/NASA

“ Dad always taught me to never sit down, much less lay down, on the job… but it seemed like a good idea at the time…  “ /via Jack Fischer/NASA

“ . in the airlock, after I closed the door on them  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ . doing some free-climbing on the structure: not an easy route she had to take!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ My friends and family members each took a picture with the Proxima badge & combined them to form a mosaic. Merci!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Festival de couleurs chaudes et froides avec le fleuve Betsiboka à ! 🇲🇬 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Festival de couleurs chaudes et froides avec le fleuve Betsiboka à ! 🇲🇬 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Betsimboka river, Madagascar, with its vivid colors: bright reds and purples mixed with blue and lush green. Nature is beautiful!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Avec de tels appareils photo, je rate rarement mes cibles / My weapons of choice? Cameras! I only shoot photos 😉 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

„Perfectly geometrical fields in Azerbaijan   “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ My collection now extends to Iran with the Ispahan airport (IFN/OIFM) “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Gravity sucks, especially when it comes to food: so much easier to just float your meal! 😉  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Fields of Picardy. The best way to appreciate their beauty is from above..  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ A really nice, but somehow menacing cloud… Africa, home to the biggest thunderstorms I’ve seen as a pilot ⚡️ “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ ¡Hola Madrid 🇪🇸! ¡Feliz ! La última vez que lo celebré, terminé en la Chocolatería San Ginés 😋  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Hola ! I Remember my time there very well. I can see the apartment I lived. Happy  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Test driving my spacesuit for a walk outside on Friday w/…I don’t think I can smile any bigger–well, maybe I will on Friday! “ /via Jack Fischer/NASA




Bilder vom 9. Mai 2017 – 11. Mai 2017 via Jack Fischer (USA/NASA) und Thomas Pesquet  (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Jack Fischer und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 51.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Jack Fischer auf Twitter

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Facebook

“ Check out this beautiful island, with a halo of light blue. Looks a lot like a big ol’ whale to me!  “ /via Jack Fischer/NASA

“ The difference in vegetation sure looks like a little woodpecker scooting on down the beach, at least to me – how about you?  “ /via Jack Fischer/NASA

“ Well this literally looks like an ink blot, only it’s a huge ink blot in the middle of Africa, & it’s wicked cool looking…  “ /via Jack Fischer/NASA

“ London, Paris and Brussels form a very European triangle 🇪🇺 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ We also have auroras in Europe (and they’re the best auroras, it is true). The big city at the front is Berlin and over there is Copenhagen. “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

! Ni rues escarpées ni tramways (ni 🏠bleue adossée à la colline) vu d’ici, mais facile à imaginer avec un tel réseau urbain 🇺🇸 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

! Ni rues escarpées ni tramways (ni 🏠bleue adossée à la colline) vu d’ici, mais facile à imaginer avec un tel réseau urbain 🇺🇸 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

! Ni rues escarpées ni tramways (ni 🏠bleue adossée à la colline) vu d’ici, mais facile à imaginer avec un tel réseau urbain 🇺🇸 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ San Francisco, California. You can’t see cable cars / steep streets from here but with the grid clearly in sight it’s not hard to imagine 🇺🇸 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ San Francisco, California. You can’t see cable cars / steep streets from here but with the grid clearly in sight it’s not hard to imagine 🇺🇸 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ San Francisco, California. You can’t see cable cars / steep streets from here but with the grid clearly in sight it’s not hard to imagine 🇺🇸 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ In the centre of this pic: ’s Santiago Bernabéu Stadium. Too bad, tonight’s game against is in Vicente Calderón Stadium! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ This storm looks like it will crush everything in its path, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ During full moon you can see almost as clearly as when there is daylight, especially when city lights illuminate the night as well! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

„Unbelievable . As often in Africa, the landscapes are so huge & diverse I’m not sure what I’m looking at when I take a picture  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

„Pas mal l’aéroport de (LFMT/MPL) et sa piste qui semble plonger dans l’Étang de l’Or! Montpellier airport!   “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA




Bilder vom 17. April 2017 – 19. April 2017 via Thomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Der Astronaut Thomas Pesquet gehört zur ISS-Expedition 50/ISS-Expedition 51.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Facebook

“ Industry around the harbour of Sines in 🇵🇹 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The town of Akjoujt in Mauritania and its mine that has been excavating copper for many centuries.  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Working with the educational experiment Crisstal for and French school children  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The more I look at Earth the more I see that every shape and form is represented – whether man-made or created by nature.  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The west coast of  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Just to show it’s not easy to spot the from space. Especially with a photobomb 😉 The 2nd picture zoom shows a bit more…“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Just to show it’s not easy to spot the from space. Especially with a photobomb 😉 The 2nd picture zoom shows a bit more…“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

„Madrid, underneath the April sun 🇪🇸   “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Valencia 🇪🇸 Plaza de Toros, football stadiums, even cranes to load the boats in the port are visible.. Crazy what can be seen from space! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Hello Dubai! The Palm Islands look amazing from . “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA




Bilder vom 26. Februar 2017 – 28. Februar 2017 via Shane Kimbrough (USA/NASA) und Thomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Shane Kimbrough und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 50.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Facebook

“ Good afternoon Athens, Greece from ! “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA

“ Good afternoon Athens, Greece from ! “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA

“ Our Soyuz flying over the Caribbean. Other Russian hardware has been seen around these parts, but mostly in Cuba! 😉 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ In the bay of St Brieuc you can make out small squares on the islets on the left. Oyster racks?  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Airport of Hyeres-Toulon (TLN/LFTH) and the surrounding beach, guess where I would rather be? 😉  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Good evening Madrid! The city where I had my first job seems just as vibrant from space as I remember it!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Europe and Africa are so close geographically: here is the strait of Gibraltar, where they all but touch each other  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Le bien nommé cap de Bonne-Espérance, au sud du continent africain. Le passage en bateau doit valoir le détour (sans jeu de mot)! 🇿🇦 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Cape Town, framed by the Lion’s head and the Table Mountain 🇿🇦  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Looking down into the Russian docking compartment. It also serves as airlock for Russian Orlan EVAs & as storage place the rest of the time! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Lots of celebrations at the moment… 100 days in space 😉  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ From northern Paris to (on the left). The lights of the south manage to overcome the veil of clouds, with this beautiful effect! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Merci à tous pour vos vœux d’anniversaire! Le cargo a justement apporté une bonne surprise: des …!! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody, bought up a birthday treat: macarons!“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Hello Nice! Too bad we can’t see the carnival parades from up here 😉  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ View of the about to be berthed to Node 2 last week. Robotics operations are performed by ground teams at and “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Good morning USA! St. Louis Missouri and Jacksonville Florida.“ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA




Bilder vom 15. Januar 2017 – 17. Januar 2017 via Shane Kimbrough (USA/NASA) und Thomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Shane Kimbrough und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 50.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

“ Good morning USA! St. Louis Missouri and Jacksonville Florida.“ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA

“ Good morning USA! Detroit – Toledo – Cleveland.“ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA

“ . & I focus in the airlock before the most serious moment of our mission so far… . Pics by  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ . & I focus in the airlock before the most serious moment of our mission so far… . Pics by  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ This is how big the is! You can get disoriented and lost at night, especially when moving and rotating in all directions “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Bien agrippé à la Station: je n’avais pas envie de m’en séparer 😉 J’aime beaucoup la réflexion dans le miroir! Photo prise par Oleg“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ This one is very special to me: it’s a great feeling to see from space where one grew up! The town of comes with lots of memories“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Airports: I flew to many during my pilot days. Here’s Barajas [MAD]: I can even see planes taxiing to the runway!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Europe’s roof… the Mont Blanc! I was lucky enough to climb it one summer in the best company  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ All in the name of science.. demands measure the pressure of my eyes  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Over Egypt, I was looking for the Pyramids. I haven’t found them, but I got pretty detailed shots of Cairo  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The wind sculpts the dunes in the , no water in sight!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ A snowy competes with the Sahara with its mix of geometric shapes. Dominant colour here.. white!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Wishing everyone on Earth a Happy New Year from 250 miles above our planet! “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA




Bilder vom 30. Dezember 2016 – 2. Januar 2017 via Shane Kimbrough (USA/NASA), Peggy Whitson (USA/NASA) und Thomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Shane Kimbrough, Peggy Whitson und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 50.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

“ Nice to have a new kind of dessert. The food lab prepared drink bags with gelatin mix inside, and I made gelatin for the boys last night.“ /via Peggy Whitson/NASA

“ Nice to have a new kind of dessert. The food lab prepared drink bags with gelatin mix inside, and I made gelatin for the boys last night.“ /via Peggy Whitson/NASA

“ Space sunset, from the side. Were you looking for a new smartphone ?  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ New Caledonia is one of the first places in the world to enter 2017! 11 hours before GMT.  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ ., the city of my first job! I loved spending new year eve’s on the Puerta del Sol & the tradition of the 12 grapes. Feliz año Nuevo! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Closing in on , not zoomed in enough, but spreading from Orly to Roissy airports, the city of light is aptly named. Happy New Year!“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Happy New year everybody!!! Bonne année à tous!!! 🍾 🎆 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The sprawling city of Houston, TX, home of -JSC and of many of my friends. Have a great party tonight, see you in 2017!“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Bom dia ! I loved to fly in, when I was a pilot: a beautiful approach and a nice layover. Hope you had a good party yesterday!“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ A closer look at the sand dunes. I wouldn’t like to be lost in such a repetitive landscape…  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

„Oh, blue . Good morning from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA


Bilder vom 16. September – 23. September 2015 via Scott Kelly (USA/NASA), Kjell Lindgren (USA/NASA), Kimiya Yui  (Japan/JAXA) und Sergei Wolkow (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten Scott Kelly, Kjell Lindgren, Kimiya Yui und Sergei Wolkow gehören zur ISS-Expedition 45.


The Data2364-space Daily

Scott Kelly auf Twitter

Scott Kelly auf Facebook

Aidyn Aimbetow auf Twitter

Half a year, still she dazzles, colors, intrigues, excites, amuses, interests and shines. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

Half a year, still she dazzles, colors, intrigues, excites, amuses, interests and shines. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

Half a year, still she dazzles, colors, intrigues, excites, amuses, interests and shines. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

Half a year, still she dazzles, colors, intrigues, excites, amuses, interests and shines. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 173. Cruising the strip tonight. Good night from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Clear skies over much of the USA today. from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

Sometimes the absence of color is the most striking color on Earth. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Entering the unknown on the 2nd half of my . Got Qs for me? Let’s chat! – Sat., 12:45pm CT.“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 174. Look at these . Good night from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

and US Ambassador . Here is the picture I promised. Looking good!. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„I don’t think I will ever get tired of ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„The never fails to impress! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Another week goes by and it’s day 175. from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Rise and shine! 72M mi traveled w many miles to go on my . w me today 12:45p CT/17:45 UTC“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Been hanging out with the Bahamas again, it never gets old. But who’s with me? begins now! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Small comm break. It happens. This is real life space. Meanwhile, here’s a view of Earth from our window. BRB!“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„OK, I’m back! As promised here’s a photo over South America I took as we began our .“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Losing comm again, but we got more than an hour in. I think a record. Thank you for joining me today! is cool.“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 176. makes a special effect with tonight. Good night from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

. You looked quite sinister this morning. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Watched on last night! Today working towards our during my !“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 177. brought excitement in the atmosphere today. Good night from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„By morning’s Northern lights. Good morning from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

. Save me a spot on your beach! Yes, that one, right there. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

Interesting how a muddy river through the thick & clouds can be so easy on the eye from here. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 178. Going out on a blue horizon. from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

approaching the was a refreshing sight this morning! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

CPiQ6r0WUAANirZ (1)
made in . “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 179. The at night is a beautiful sight for these sore eyes. Good night from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

to the Holy City of ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Utah and western Colorado including – gorgeous!“  /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„What’s cooler than a giant robotic arm? Shooting a satellite from it!“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

for ! Tortilla, cheese spread, re-hydrated beef patty. I miss the lettuce!“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„I’m so conflicted. vs at Mile High stadium. Go Buffs! “ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„I’m so conflicted. vs at Mile High stadium. Go Rams! “ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Gorgeous sun glint!“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Three dimensional clouds.“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„A gorgeous glacier fed lake.“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Unbelievable range of colors – gave me goosebumps!“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Looking great Minneapolis! And a warm hello to my friends and colleagues !“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Happy ! To celebrate, I’m having second breakfast!“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Earth is much smaller than you think and much more beautiful than you think! We are lucky to be born in this planet!“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Congratulations on successful SERPENS release! Brazil and Japan will cooperate more each other in the future!“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Congratulations on successful SERPENS release! Brazil and Japan will cooperate more each other in the future!“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„You (HTV-5) will leave ISS soon.. You saved us.. You are my good friend. I will miss you..“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„You (HTV-5) will leave ISS soon.. You saved us.. You are my good friend. I will miss you..“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„You (HTV-5) will leave ISS soon.. You saved us.. You are my good friend. I will miss you..“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„ISSから先ほど撮影した阿蘇山です。私の実家は農家だったので、この様な事があると、人命だけでなく、農作物の事も心配になってしまいます。子供の頃、一生懸命手伝って育てた野菜が台風で流されてしまった時の事は、今でも覚えています(涙)。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„航空自衛隊芦屋基地及びその周辺。国産初のジェット練習機T-1で飛行訓練を受けていた頃が懐かしいです。かつて、世界有数の航空技術を誇った日本。戦後70年を経て、再度世界初に挑んでいます! “ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„この写真には、私がパイロット学生だった頃の思い出の地や、私のお気に入りの町が沢山写っています。皆さん、これが何処の写真かわかりますか?右上のほうに写っているのが福岡市です。左側には、山口県の萩市や防府市が写っていますよ。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„多くの方が、私の様に宇宙に長期滞在できる様になった時、人の未来は大きく変わります。ただ、その可能性に気付いている人は、現時点ではごく僅か。でも、心の奥底でその可能性を感じているからこそ、皆さんは宇宙に魅せられるのではないでしょうか?、“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„多くの方が、私の様に宇宙に長期滞在できる様になった時、人の未来は大きく変わります。ただ、その可能性に気付いている人は、現時点ではごく僅か。でも、心の奥底でその可能性を感じているからこそ、皆さんは宇宙に魅せられるのではないでしょうか?、“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„ローカルな話題で申し訳ないのですが、私の故郷を撮影することが出来ました。川上村です。私の父の畑もしっかり写っています。農家を継いでいたら、ここに個人の天文台が建っていたかも知れませんね(笑)。小さな村ですが、宇宙からすぐわかりました。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„ローカルな話題で申し訳ないのですが、私の故郷を撮影することが出来ました。川上村です。私の父の畑もしっかり写っています。農家を継いでいたら、ここに個人の天文台が建っていたかも知れませんね(笑)。小さな村ですが、宇宙からすぐわかりました。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„I flew over Japan with HTV-5! Photos of Sado island and typhoon in Pacific. Too many typhoons this year…“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„I flew over Japan with HTV-5! Photos of Sado island and typhoon in Pacific. Too many typhoons this year…“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„I flew over Japan with HTV-5! Photos of Sado island and typhoon in Pacific. Too many typhoons this year…“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„I flew over Japan with HTV-5! Photos of Sado island and typhoon in Pacific. Too many typhoons this year…“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„望遠レンズでの夜景の撮影は、かなり難しいです。練習してもっと上手くなってみせます!東京と大阪です。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„望遠レンズでの夜景の撮影は、かなり難しいです。練習してもっと上手くなってみせます!東京と大阪です。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„先ほどの間違いのお詫びに、大阪と名古屋の写った夜景をご覧下さい。宇宙から見ると、名古屋も大阪も並んでいる双子の兄弟みたいです。そう、夜空に写っているふたご座のカストルとポルックスの様に!Gemini + HTV over Japan!“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Perseus,HTV and I saw a lot of lightning around Indonesia.I hope everyone is OK.. We saw Singapore and Malasia also.“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Vietnam! There was a lot of cumulonimbus as well. It’s very beautiful, but dangerous for people on Earth..“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Taiwan, Hong Kong and Capella こうして窓を見ていると、こうのとり君と旅をしてる様な気がしてきます。世界何周旅行?“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„私がお世話になった方々が沢山住んでいる航空自衛隊松島基地とその周辺です。大震災で大変な困難に遭われた方々が地上で頑張っている姿を思い浮かべながら写真を撮りました。そして「自分ももっと頑張ろう!」と元気を頂きました。有難うございます。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Matsushima. One of the most beautiful place in Japan. 「こうのとり君!ここが日本三景の一つ松島だよ。松島は 宇宙(そら)からみても 美しい」と言ったら喜んでいました(笑)“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„とてもお世話になった先輩は、私と久しぶりに再会した翌日、ここで命を落としてしまわれました。悲しい思い出ですが、先輩の教えは私の中で生き続け、私を更に「速く、高く、遠く」へ連れてきてくれました。「先輩、しっかり頑張って生きていきます!」“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„I finally took a picture of flying airplane from ISS today! この写真を撮って確信しました。条件が整えば、ISSからブルーインパルスの飛行を撮影できると!“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Mt.Aso,Japan.「こうのとり君。今日の日本も天気が良いね。日本に帰ったら、阿蘇山にも行ってみたいんだ。君のマスコットも連れて行くよ」なんて語りかけながら、さっき写真を撮りました。皆さん、おやすみなさい。」“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„HTV, beautiful ocean and Oahu) I went to Hawaii three times, but those were business trip, so I was not able to swim.“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„HTV, beautiful ocean and Oahu) I went to Hawaii three times, but those were business trip, so I was not able to swim.“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Hawaii 「こうのとり君。ハワイ島のマウナケア山頂には、国立天文台のすばる望遠鏡があるよ。あそこにも、宇宙に挑んでいる人達がいるんだ!僕達の仲間だよ。以前訪れた時は、海では泳いでいる人がいるのに、山頂へ行ったら雪が降っていたよ。」“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Scott, me and Misha during a descent training session. It was a really useful training, cos the previous was in Feb. “ /via Sergei Wolkow/Roskosmos

„Some famous lakes. How many do you recognize? Alcuni famosi laghi. Quanti ne riconoscete? “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA


Bilder vom 5./6. Mai 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA), Terry Virts (USA/NASA). Scott Kelly  (USA/NASA) und Anton Schkaplerow (Russland/Roskosmos).  Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Virts, Scott Kelly und Anton Schkaplerow gehören zur ISS-Expedition 43.



Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook

Scott Kelly auf Twitter

Anton Schkaplerow auf Instagram

„Some famous lakes. How many do you recognize? Alcuni famosi laghi. Quanti ne riconoscete? “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Some famous lakes. How many do you recognize? Alcuni famosi laghi. Quanti ne riconoscete? “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Some famous lakes. How many do you recognize? Alcuni famosi laghi. Quanti ne riconoscete? “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Hola Madrid, you look shiny and beautiful by night! / (IT) Ciao Madrid, fantastica anche di notte!“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„L+159/160: . ‚Scott the Vampire‘ helped me fill up 7 tubes of blood for Cardio-Ox. https://plus.google.com/+SamanthaCristoforetti/posts/4nFeSudeBqn “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„(EN) More than a week since the powerful earthquake, thank you to all who have and will support Nepal. “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Hello Minneapolis, home of the ! “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Hello Minneapolis, home of the ! “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Thunderclouds cast their shadows as the signals nightfall.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„In honor of – here is the Yucatan peninsula, with Campeche, Merida, and Cancun.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„This weekend I gave haircuts to Misha and Anton (). One of our many jobs in space (never a dull moment). “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Bright city lights from Chennai .“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„After a hard day of work, the sets, and so do I. Good night from .“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Flying over Strait of Sicily today, I can’t help but think of the North African and crisis.“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

“ Выполнение медицинского эксперимента «Спланх» // Carring out of the medical experiment «Splanh» “ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

с борта //  “ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

„Полуостров // Peninsula“ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

„Klyuchevskaya Sopka is a on the “ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

„Legend has it that Romulus founded Rome on April 21st. Happy 2768th birthday, you don’t look a century over 2000.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA


Bilder vom 21./22. April 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA), Terry Virts (USA/NASA) und Scott Kelly  (USA/NASA).  Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Virts und Scott Kelly gehören zur ISS-Expedition 43.



Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook

Scott Kelly auf Twitter

Anton Schkaplerow auf Instagram

„Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„The Makgadikgadi salt pans in the Kalahari, – what’s left of an evaporated lake. Impressive! “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Hola Madrid! That is one big airport. / (IT) Ciao Madrid, quello è davvero un signor aeroporto!“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

365 times a year! We can boldly go where no one has gone before but… there is “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

A spectrum of depths emblazon the hues of the .“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„The bright haze is called zodiacal light, scattered across debris left over from the solar system’s construction.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„In orbit 230,400 above the surface of the Earth, moving 4,800 per second. Go !“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Happy ! Earth is indeed a beautiful place. There is .“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

clouds and sun glint burst with shades of light. “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Earth’s gone today! Good morning from where every day is ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

Good to the last drop! Making pee potable and turning it into coffee on . “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

Here comes the sun! 262K solar cells laced in our wings power our home “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA



„Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA


Bilder vom 17./18. April 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA), Terry Virts (USA/NASA) und Scott Kelly  (USA/NASA).  Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Virts und Scott Kelly gehören zur ISS-Expedition 43.


Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook

Scott Kelly auf Twitter

Anton Schkaplerow auf Instagram

about to become part of yesterday. Now hatch is open, getting out urgent science today and tomorrow!“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Buenos días Spain, you look nice from space! / (IT) Buongiorno Spagna dallo spazio!“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„A couple of aurora shots to get you started into the weekend! Qualche foto di aurora per iniziare il fine settimana“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„A couple of aurora shots to get you started into the weekend! Qualche foto di aurora per iniziare il fine settimana“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

visible in the dark.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Beautiful capture, all the way from “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Good morning! The ocean as a mirror for the sun. It really makes these clouds look three dimensional.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„. and I reflecting on arrival. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„.@fabfazio Qui vola tutto ma abbiamo il velcro, persino sui pantaloni. Niente pollini o virus, ma tanta polvere si!“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA


Bilder vom 14./15. März 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA) und Terry Virts (USA/NASA).  Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti und Terry Virts gehören zur ISS-Expedition 43.



Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook

Anton Schkaplerow auf Instagram


The Data2364-space Daily

„Nice of you to visit on . I’m a big fan of rationality, but you… I love how irrational you are! “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„The beautiful Lake District in , with Lakes Beysehir and Egirdir. “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Wish I was a geologist to read in this picture some of the history of our planet!“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Hello San Antonio! Was actually surprised by so much green. / Ciao San Antonio, sorpresa da tanto verde. “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Which pic is ? fans, click to see if you know your cities! Spotted: Headquarters.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Which pic is ? fans, click to see if you know your cities! Spotted: Headquarters.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Which pic is ? fans, click to see if you know your cities! Spotted: Headquarters.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Which pic is ? fans, click to see if you know your cities! Spotted: Headquarters.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA



„Ein seltener Blick auf den Truss, das FGB Modul und unsere Radiatoren vom MRM2 Modul aus“ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA


Bilder vom 7. September 2014 via Alexander Gerst (Deutschland/ESA), Gregory Reid Wiseman (USA/NASA) und Oleg Artjemjew (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten Alexander Gerst, Gregory Reid Wiseman und Oleg Artjemjew gehören zur ISS-Expedition 40 .



Alexander Gerst auf Twitter

Alexander Gerst auf Facebook

Gregory Reid Wiseman auf Twitter

Oleg Artjemjew auf Twitter

Maxim Surajew auf Twitter


„A rare perspective on the FGB module, truss and radiators, taken from the MRM2 module window.“ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„Lago di Como “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

Bw8pLFTIQAAdt6d.jpg large
„Madrid, “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

Bw8pJpRIUAAvauk.jpg large
„Madrid, “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„A minute before an sunrise “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

kurz vor einem australischen Sonnenaufgang “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„Sorry for the glare, still a photo worth sharing.“ /via Gregory Reid Wiseman/NASA


„The and windswept desert. I love flying over this area.“ /via Gregory Reid Wiseman/NASA

„Accidentally saw a nice just now.“ /via Gregory Reid Wiseman/NASA

is always fun to look at from 260 miles up.“ /via Gregory Reid Wiseman/NASA

„Полярное сияние. Aurora “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos

см. блог. The . HQ blog “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos

„Amazing texture in SE Angola. No zoom lens! October 21.“ /via Karen Nyberg/NASA (Click here for bigger picture)


Bilder vom 23. Oktober 2013 via Karen Nyberg (USA/NASA) und Luca Parmitano (Italien/ESA). Die Astronauten Karen Nyberg und Luca Parmitano gehören zur ISS-Expedition 37.



ESA:A day on the International Space Station



Karen Nyberg auf Twitter

Luca Parmitano auf Twitter

Michael Hopkins auf Twitter

Karen Nyberg auf Pinterest

Karen Nyberg auf Facebook

Volare Blog von Luca Parmitano

Website von Luca Parmitano

Luca Parmitano auf Google+

Luca Parmitano auf Facebook

Luca Parmitano auf Flickr


„Though partially cloudy on a fall night, #Madrid still shines royally #Volare“ /via Luca Parmitano/ESA (via Luca Parmitano/ESA)


#Gibraltar, a night kiss between two continents. Il bacio notturno tra due continenti: Gibilterra #Volare“ /via Luca Parmitano/ESA (Click here for bigger picture)


„The impressive dam that created Lake Nasser. L’enorme diga che ha creato il Lago Nasser #Volare #Egypt“ /via Luca Parmitano/ESA (Click here for bigger picture)





-die Zuganschläge in Madrid 2004 – waren eine Serie von zehn durch islamistische Terroristen ausgelösten Bombenexplosionen in der spanischen Hauptstadt Madrid. Nach Angaben des spanischen Innenministeriums kamen 191 Menschen ums Leben, 2051 wurden verletzt, 82 davon schwer. Damit stellt dieses Ereignis nach dem Anschlag auf die Pan-Am-Maschine 1988 über dem schottischen Lockerbie in der Geschichte der Europäischen Union (EU) den terroristischen Anschlag mit den meisten Todesopfern dar.
Slobodan Milošević (von 1989 bis 1990 Präsident der Sozialistischen Republik Serbien, von 1990 bis 1997 Präsident der Republik Serbien, von 1997 bis 2000 Präsident der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien – im Zusammenhang mit den Jugoslawienkriegen wurde er 1999 als erstes Staatsoberhaupt noch während seiner Amtsausübung von einem Kriegsverbrechertribunal, dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof für das ehemalige Jugoslawien in Den Haag wegen Völkermordes angeklagt) starb 2006 während des im Jahre 2002 begonnenen Prozesses. Milošević wurde tot in seiner Zelle in der United Nations Detention Unit, dem Gefängnis des ICTY aufgefunden. Eine erste Obduktion der Leiche durch vom Gericht bestellte Gutachter ergab, daß er an einem Herzinfarkt verstorben war.
Michail Gorbatschow ( war von März 1985 bis August 1991 Generalsekretär des Zentralkomitees der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion und von März 1990 bis Dezember 1991 Präsident der Sowjetunion. Durch seine Politik der Glasnost und der Perestroika  leitete er das Ende des Kalten Krieges ein) wurde am 11. März 1985, dem Tag nach dem Tod des damaligen Generalsekretärs der KPdSU, Konstantin Tschernenko, mit 54 Jahren zum zweitjüngsten Generalsekretär in der Geschichte der Kommunistischen Partei gewählt.
-General of the Army Douglas MacArthur (hatte im 2. Weltkrieg gemeinsam mit Admiral Chester W. Nimitz den Oberbefehl über den pazifischen Kriegsschauplatz) wurde 1942 vom US-Kriegsministerium von den Philippinen abgezogen und zum Oberbefehlshaber der alliierten Truppen im Südwestpazifik ernannt. In dieser Funktion leitete MacArthur von Australien aus den Feldzug zur Befreiung Neuguineas
-die Rockband Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young (David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Graham Nash und Neil Young) veröffentlichte 1970 ihr Album „Déjà Vu“.