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Tag Archives: Kilimandscharo

„California dreaming. One of my favourite orbits is down along the West Coast of USA, from Alaska to the Andes. We fly this route once a day. “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA






Bilder vom 4. September – 6. September 2018 via Alexander Gerst  (Deutschland/ESA),  Richard R. Arnold  (USA/NASA) und Oleg Artemjew  (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten   Alexander Gerst,  Richard R. Arnold und Oleg Artemjew gehören zur ISS-Expedition 56.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Alexander Gerst auf Twitter

Andrew J. Feustel auf Twitter

Richard R. Arnold auf Twitter

Oleg Artemjew auf Twitter

Serena Auñón-Chancellor auf Twitter

“ “…. All he could see, as wide as all the world, great, high and unbelievably white in the sun, was the square top of . And then he knew that there was where he was going.” -Ernest Hemingway “ /via Richard R. Arnold/NASA

“ The Great Barrier Reef of which may be on the verge of ecological collapse due to warming seas.“ /via Richard R. Arnold/NASA

– жемчужина Прибалтики, уютно расположившаяся на обоих берегах Западной Двины. А еще это город, в котором я родился. “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

is the pearl of the Baltic States and the place of my birth. The city occupies both banks of the Western Dvina River.“ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

“ Продолжаем фотоохоту за . Сегодня у нас космодром Куру (он же Гвианский космический центр) — расположен в департаменте Французская Гвиана в северо-восточной части Южной Америки.“ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„The Guiana Space Centr is a French and European spaceport to the northwest of Kourou in French Guiana, France. It is near the equator, so that less energy is required to maneuver a spacecraft into an equatorial, geostationary orbit. “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„Sunken world of fire and ice. The volcanoes of the Kuril Islands chain are an eerie reminder that our planet is far from being static. “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA






Bilder vom 20. August – 22. August 2018 via Alexander Gerst  (Deutschland/ESA),  Richard R. Arnold  (USA/NASA) und Oleg Artemjew  (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten   Alexander Gerst, Richard R. Arnold und Oleg Artemjew gehören zur ISS-Expedition 56.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Alexander Gerst auf Twitter

Andrew J. Feustel auf Twitter

Richard R. Arnold auf Twitter

Oleg Artemjew auf Twitter

Serena Auñón-Chancellor auf Twitter

„World of clouds. If you want to get an idea of its depth, quickly switch forth and back between these two photos. Wolkenwelt. Wer einen Eindruck von ihrer Tiefe bekommen will, braucht Ihr nur schnell zwischen diesen beiden Bildern hin- und herzuwechseln. “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„Can you spot Kilimanjaro sticking out of the clouds over Kenya and Tanzania, in a mountain glow just before nightfall? Kilimandscharo, wie er aus den Wolken über Kenia und Tansania herausschaut. Sein Gipfel glüht noch im Sonnenuntergang. “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„Typhoon barrels toward southern . Stay safe! “ /via Richard R. Arnold/NASA

„The glorious banks and cays of “ /via Richard R. Arnold/NASA

“ The continent of fires. We can see thousands of bush fires every time we fly over the southern part of Africa. — Das wahre Feuerland. Über dem südlichen Afrika können wir jederzeit tausende Feuer sehen. “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA






Bilder vom 12.. August – 14. August 2018 via Alexander Gerst  (Deutschland/ESA),  Richard R. Arnold  (USA/NASA) und Oleg Artemjew  (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten   Alexander Gerst,  Richard R. Arnold und Oleg Artemjew gehören zur ISS-Expedition 56.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Alexander Gerst auf Twitter

Andrew J. Feustel auf Twitter

Richard R. Arnold auf Twitter

Oleg Artemjew auf Twitter

Serena Auñón-Chancellor auf Twitter

„Personality check: do these photos make you want to stay at home, or check out what’s back there behind the horizon? — Persönlichkeitstest: Wenn du dieses Foto anschaust – zieht es dich nach Hause oder kribbelt es, herauszufinden, was dort irgendwo hinter dem Horizont liegt? “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„Cloud shadows. Just can’t get enough of them… — Wolkenschatten. Kann ich einfach nicht genug von sehen… ☁️ “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„A curious moon peeks over the horizon at Tierra del Feugo “ /via Richard R. Arnold/NASA

is a dormant volcano in Tanzania. It is the highest mountain in Africa, and rises approximately 4,900 metres from its base to 5,895 metres above sea level.“ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„Спокойной ночи, Земля! ☀🌍 . Good night, Earth! ☀🌍 “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„Mind-blowing, every single time. I wonder what early explorers thought when they first saw an aurora without ever having heard about it… “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA






Bilder vom 10.. August – 12. August 2018 via Alexander Gerst  (Deutschland/ESA), Andrew J. Feustel  (USA/NASA), Richard R. Arnold  (USA/NASA) und Oleg Artemjew  (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten   Alexander Gerst, Andrew J. Feustel, Richard R. Arnold und Oleg Artemjew gehören zur ISS-Expedition 56.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Alexander Gerst auf Twitter

Andrew J. Feustel auf Twitter

Richard R. Arnold auf Twitter

Oleg Artemjew auf Twitter

Serena Auñón-Chancellor auf Twitter

„If you want to go far, go together. This is why over 100 (!) nations are peacefully working together on . Today we launched Bhutan’s first ever satellite from here, together with ones from Malaysia and the Philippines. Congratulations! “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„The majestic Kilimanjaro, captured on two consecutive days (one of which was just before sunset). I will climb that mountain one day. 🏔️ “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„Posting a picture of the track and surrounding areas. The region of provides a beautiful setting for a beautiful track! Best of luck for a safe and fast weekend! “ /via Andrew J. Feustel /NASA




Bilder vom 14. November 2017 – 16. November 2017 via Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten  Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 53.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

Mark Thomas Vande Hei auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

“ Sharing our work aboard this international collaborative orbiting laboratory is part of our mission and does it very well.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ The magnificent – shown here is the portion between and : a shared beauty. “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Far volare un nello spazio non è facile… ma nemmeno catturarlo al volo! // Sending a into space is not easy… Nor is capturing one while it flies beneath you!“ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ An eerie view of the area… it feels like a shot from another planet👽🛸! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

: пески Алжира // : The Sands Of Algeria“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Even from space, you can see how skyscrapers in tower above the rest of the city and cast a shadow over Lake . But I was more impressed by his absolutely accurate, up to a millimeter verified look at night time! “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Even from space, you can see how skyscrapers in tower above the rest of the city and cast a shadow over Lake . But I was more impressed by his absolutely accurate, up to a millimeter verified look at night time! “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Mount is a dormant in Tanzania. It is the highest mountain in Africa, and rises approximately 4,900 metres from its base to 5,895 metres above sea level.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The arm is out and ready to capture a Dragon by the tail. Can’t wait to get to work on 2 tons of science!  “ /via Jack Fischer/NASA




Bilder vom 15. August 2017 – 17. August 2017 via Jack Fischer (USA/NASA), Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten Jack Fischer, Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 52.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Jack Fischer auf Twitter

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

“ The stunning Bahamas were a real treat for us. The vivid turquoise of the water over the reef was absolutely captivating. “ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ From the porthole of our ‘Ship’ in orbit, thank you Norfolk & VA Beach for your continued stellar support of our Navy brethren. “ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ From the porthole of our ‘Ship’ in orbit, thank you Norfolk & VA Beach for your continued stellar support of our Navy brethren. “ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ After chasing us for two days, our spacecraft caught us, arriving a few hundred meters directly below for final approach.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Time to enjoy the view at the 30-meter hold point while mission controls & perform final checks of all systems. “ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Game Time! and prepare for the final approach of spacecraft. “ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ . did a stellar job capturing , bringing 6,400 lbs of and cargo. Learn more:  “ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Dragon sunrise! Beautiful scene as the robot arm moves the towards the underside berthing port. “ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ I call this one “Dragon’s Breath”. Thanks to everyone on the team, from coast to coast, for such a beautiful spacecraft.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Today, together with Fyodor and , we did the dress rehearsal for their next : everything looks good and we are ready!“ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

shining at night… how many arancini are you eating? 😆  “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Самый высочайший и потенциально активный стратовулкан Африки – // Mount is a dormant volcano in Tanzania“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Вчера вел фотоохоту за Санкт-Петербургом и все же поймал его. Погода, кстати, хорошая была над ним // from the ISS“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Корабль перед стыковкой с Международной космической станцией.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ A SpaceX cargo spacecraft“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Стыковка с МКС через несколько часов // The spacecraft will be docked with the International Space Station in a few hours  “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Российский корабль «Союз» и американский грузовой “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Russian Soyuz spacecraft and American cargo ship“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Несколько минут назад грузовой космический корабль был «захвачен» манипулятором «Канадарм-2»“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The SpaceX CRS-12 cargo spacecraft was captured with the International Space Station’s robotic Canadarm2 „/via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The SpaceX CRS-12 cargo spacecraft was captured with the International Space Station’s robotic Canadarm2 „/via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

– город в Хабаровском крае России // Komsomolsk-on-Amur is a city in Khabarovsk Krai, “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ На днях сфотографировал Пальму Джумейра и Мировые острова в ОАЭ//The Palm Jumeirah and the World Islands located in the United Arab Emirates“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ На днях сфотографировал Пальму Джумейра и Мировые острова в ОАЭ//The Palm Jumeirah and the World Islands located in the United Arab Emirates“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Уже сегодня состоится выход в открытый космос с Федором Юрчихиным // Today will be a spacewalk!“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

Bilder vom 25. Dezember 2016 – 28. Dezember 2016 via Peggy Whitson (USA/NASA) und Thomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Peggy Whitson und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 50.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

“ Holiday Cookie Decorating Contest! They took it seriously!“ /via Peggy Whitson/NASA

“ Sporting the new hats I got them for Christmas!!!“ /via Peggy Whitson/NASA

“ The Northern hemisphere is sometimes a mass of white clouds and snow… like a snow globe  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Mount , the highest summit in Africa, was wearing a scarf of clouds this morning ⛅🌄  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ More desert art: it looks like somebody’s been playing with a paintbrush  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Practicing medical emergencies in space: CPR requires bracing yourself with your feet against the ‚ceiling‘!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ What do astronauts do when they get fresh fruits (which is rarely)? They play with them of course!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ „Vue d’ici la cordillère des Andes c’est beaucoup de gris et de marron avec des touches de rouge, bleu et vert: toute la palette y passe! /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The Andes have a lot of brown and grey, but also hints of red, blue and green: the whole palette.  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ White cloud graffiti on an orange desert background, like bright street art on a grey wall  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Juggling in space initially seems much easier than on earth… except nothing falls back down, so it’s all but impossible!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Soyuz and Progress flying in formation above the desert, for a change: 70% of our planet is water  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

„Day 142. Weekend is fading, but is not. Good night from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA


Bilder vom 16. August – 21. August 2015 via Scott Kelly (USA/NASA), Kjell Lindgren (USA/NASA) und Kimiya Yui  (Japan/JAXA). Die Astronauten Scott Kelly, Kjell Lindgren und Kimiya Yui gehören zur ISS-Expedition 44.



The Data2364-space Daily

Scott Kelly auf Twitter

Scott Kelly auf Facebook

„Woke up to the snows of . from “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA


Grainy, veiny but mainly amazing. “  /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 143. Looks like the painted a Rothko on its way out. Good night from !  “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

! Greetings from . .“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Sun’s reflection striking gold in heartland today. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

It’s our world! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 144. Blanketed by dusk. Good night from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„HTV5 launch success! All hands and a robotic arm on deck ready for . “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„. Great to talk w you re my ! SRY for comm loss. Wouldn’t occur on Earth, but nor would this.“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Happy ! Traveling our world 250 mi above Earth at 17,500 mph is a visionary dream. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

A natural wonder with no forest, mountain or river across all three of this archipelago. Name it!“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 145. The footnote of a day punctuated with a cosmic asterisk. Good night from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

’s lights on Earth seem as bright as the stars in the . Good morning from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

Keeping an eye on you from . Looks like you’re 1st in Atlantic. Stay safe! „/via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Thoughts are with those affected by these devastating that continue to burn in the Northwest. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Day 146. It ended by the light of the . Good night from ! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Uhhhh, wow.“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the wildfires in the Northwest.“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the wildfires in the Northwest.“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Spacesuits on a station…“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Practicing with the real robotic arm! I will backup as we grapple early next week.“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Our hearts go out to those affected by the wildfires. Devastating.“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Corrective surgery on . Flashbacks to my surgery rotation .“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„The smoke in this area looks like it could block out the sun.“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„From to Vancouver, wildfires dominate the landscape. Stay safe down there!“ /via Kjell Lindgren/NASA

„Antares, Saturn and beautiful auroras!“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„メッセージを読んでいたら、いつも応援していただいている方から「もう少し北だったら。。。」という書き込みがあったので、そのとき撮影したもう少し北を(笑)。もっと北でしたか?あまり良く撮れていなくて申し訳ありません。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Typhoon „ATSANI“ is getting stronger and approaching to Japan.. I always worry about people on the earth.“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„台風16号の最新の写真です。フレームに収まりきれないような大きさになってきました。目も大きく、はっきりしていますし、非常に強い勢力であることがわかります。海も荒れると思います。本当に気をつけてくださいね。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„Typhoon GONI is also getting bigger and stronger.. Too many typhoons these days.. 台風15号も勢力を増しています。警戒をお願いします。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„HTV is coming! ヒューストンのミッションコントロールの配慮で、私達もリアルタイムで打ち上げを見ることが出来ました!多くの方々が一生懸命働いて届けようとしている大事な物。私が優しく、確実に受け取りたいと思います!“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

„宇宙で自撮りを。そんな事が、メインではなく、コーヒーの話。私はコーヒーが大好きで、地球ではほぼ毎日飲んでいたのですが、今は飲みません。美味しくないんです。気づきました!私はコーヒーの香りが好きだったことに。パック+ストローでは。。。“ /via Kimiya Yui/JAXA

via NASA


Der Kilimandscharo (ist mit 5895 Meter Höhe über dem Meeresspiegel das höchste Bergmassiv Afrikas) ist zu sehen. Das Massiv im Nordosten von Tansania hat mit dem Kibo den höchsten Berg des afrikanischen Kontinents. 1987 wurde die Landschaft von der UNESCO zum Weltnaturerbe erklärt.

