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Tag Archives: Po





Bilder vom 18. Oktober 2017 – 20. Oktober 2017 via Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten  Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 53.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

Mark Thomas Vande Hei auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

“ The calm before the storm. Our airlock patiently waiting with all the equipment for tomorrow’s . Good night from .“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ The Po Valley in a few hours ago… fog or smog? “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Hello from space ! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, starts today. to everyone! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ „Earth, this is Paolo-Over“😉 Today it was very interesting to answer many questions from students in Ireland and Sweden! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

: каменистые пустыни Кении“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

: stony deserts in “ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The history in is seen on every street and every step. They say that its main square of Tiananmen contains 1 million people!“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The history in is seen on every street and every step. They say that its main square of Tiananmen contains 1 million people!“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The history in is seen on every street and every step. They say that its main square of Tiananmen contains 1 million people!“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Так из космоса выглядит дельта Волги – самая большая речная дельта в Европе. // The Delta is the largest river delta in .“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

is not only cozy beaches of the Mediterranean, it’s a real open-air museum!“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos




Bilder vom 22. September 2017 – 24. September 2017 via Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 53.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

“ Happy ! We celebrate with a beautiful example of fall colors in this mosaic supplied by our Spaceship Earth. “ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Movie night in the most comfortable theater in the solar system. Suspended in zero-G, just bungees to keep from floating into your buddy.“ /via Randolph Bresnik/NASA

“ Goodnight from space, ! // Buonanotte dallo spazio ! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Milan and the Po Valley look like a giant illuminated spider web from here! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

Strait, once believed to be the end of the world… Never take what you know for granted: there’s always more! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Большой барьерный риф – крупнейший в мире коралловый . Это самый большой на Земле природный объект, образованный живыми организмами.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ The Great Barrier is the world’s largest coral reef system.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

– самый высокий вулканический массив Армянского нагорья. // Mount is the highest volcanic massif of the Armenian highlands.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

– самый высокий вулканический массив Армянского нагорья. // Mount is the highest volcanic massif of the Armenian highlands.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

– самый высокий вулканический массив Армянского нагорья. // Mount is the highest volcanic massif of the Armenian highlands.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

– бессточное соленое озеро Ирана. Концентрация соли в воде очень высокая: даже на снимках из космоса виден белый «налет» вдоль берега“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Lake is an endorheic salt lake in Iran.It was one of the largest lakes in the Middle East,but in just 14 years it has almost vanished“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ Lake is an endorheic salt lake in Iran.It was one of the largest lakes in the Middle East,but in just 14 years it has almost vanished“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

„For those who can’t get enough of auroras… like me! “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA


Bilder vom 27./28. April 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA), Terry Virts (USA/NASA). Scott Kelly  (USA/NASA) und Anton Schkaplerow (Russland/Roskosmos).  Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Virts, Scott Kelly und Anton Schkaplerow gehören zur ISS-Expedition 43.



Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook

Scott Kelly auf Twitter

Anton Schkaplerow auf Instagram

„Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Hello ! A visit is definitely on my bucket list. “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„From the Po river to Bavaria across the snow-capped Eastern Alps back in March.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Big thanks to flight directors Intrepid Flight & Discovery Flight for creating a montage of our recent spacewalks.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„My home town of , taken just a few minutes ago.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„And my home state of , much of the east coast, all the way to the great lakes.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

. I almost felt like I was with you as we flew overhead a few minutes ago. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„I wonder what they do here. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Пролетаем над Ялтой // The over “ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

поражает своей красотой даже из космоса // is amazing even from the “ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

is a city in . It is located at the Gulf of Izmit in the of . “ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

с борта // from the “ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

„Po river delta, . In elementary school we exchanged letters w/ school in the area… it felt SOO far away 🙂  “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA


Bilder vom 9./10. März 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA), Terry Virts (USA/NASA) und Barry Wilmore (USA/NASA). Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Virts und Barry Wilmore gehören zur ISS-Expedition 42.

Die Expedition 42-Besatzungsmitglieder Barry Wilmore, Alexander Samokutjajew (Russland/Roskosmos) und Jelena Serowa (Russland/Roskosmos) sind etwa zwei Tage entfernt vor Beendigung ihres Aufenthalts an Bord der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS). Das Trio packt Ausrüstung und reinigt Mannschaftsunterkünfte, während sie sich auf die Abkopplung ihres Raumschiffs Sojus TMA-14M am Mittwoch um 6:44 p.m. EDT (23:44 MEZ) und die Landung in Kasachstan um  10:07 p.m. (3:07 MEZ) vorbereitet. Wilmore, der Expedition 42-Kommandant, übergab am Dienstag während einer Kommandowechsel-Zeremonie die Kontrolle über das Orbitallabor an Terry Virts, der der Kommandant von ISS-Expedition 43 ist. Mittlerweile wurden fortgeschrittene Schwerelosigkeitsforschung und Labor-Wartung an Bord der ISS fortgesetzt. Unter den Experimenten studierte die Besatzung Körpergröße und -form im Weltraum für Größenbestimmung der Raumanzüge und beobachteten Entzündung der Atemwege bei Astronauten. Ethernet-Kabel wurden ebenfalls installiert im „Harmony“-Modul, was zukünftigen kommerziellen Raumschiffen ermöglichen wird, mit einem Paar kommenden International Docking Adapters (IDA) zu kommunizieren. 


NASA:Homebound Trio Packing Up Before Tuesday’s Change of Command



Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook

Anton Schkaplerow auf Instagram


The Data2364-space Daily

„The Horn of , the cradle of humankind / (IT) Il Corno d’Africa, la culla dell’umanità. “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„The terminator, the border between day and night, moving across Earth’s surface beneath us.“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Ripples of clouds over the freezing North Atlantic.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

“Riding the southern   /via @NASA_Astronauts

heating up… at least it looks like it is.”  /via @NASA_Astronauts

, looks cold eh?”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

“Frozen North America.”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

“The greatest crew a commander could ask for. Marking expedition 42 in its place in history.”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

“Yes, you can blow bubble gum bubbles in space.”  /via @NASA_Astronauts

  /via @NASA_Astronauts

“The @GrandCanyonNPS and Lake Mead”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

„The @GrandCanyonNPS and Lake Mead”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

„The @GrandCanyonNPS and Lake Mead”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

hands @Space_Station command to @AstroTerry today during ceremony. trio undocks Weds at 6:44pm ET.“ /via @Space_Station/NASA

„Evening storms over Oman & United Arab Emirates. September 1.“ /via Karen Nyberg/NASA (Click here for bigger picture)


Bilder vom 5. September 2013 via Karen Nyberg (USA/NASA) und Luca Parmitano (Italien/ESA) auf Twitter (@AstroKarenN  und @astro_luca). Die Astronauten Karen Nyberg und Luca Parmitano gehören zur ISS-Expedition 36/ISS-Expedition 37.


Karen Nyberg auf Pinterest

Karen Nyberg auf Facebook

Volare Blog von Luca Parmitano

Website von Luca Parmitano

Luca Parmitano auf Google+

Luca Parmitano auf Facebook

Luca Parmitano auf Flickr


„A September day, in #Italy… Un giorno di settembre, in #Italia #Volare“ /via Luca Parmitano/ESA (Click here for bigger picture)


„The Po river, the longest in #Italy crosses the ‚pianura Padana‘ #Volare“ /via Luca Parmitano/ESA (Click here for bigger picture)


„Como Lake and its enchanting villages. Il lago di #Como e i suoi incantevoli paesi #Italy #Italia #Volare“ /via Luca Parmitano/ESA (Click here for bigger picture)


„St Lawrence river mixes its water in a whirlpool of colors #Canada #US #Volare“ /via Luca Parmitano/ESA (Click here for bigger picture)