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Tag Archives: Jamaika

“ First in space. Thanks to the local community for the visit and your support. Well done!“ /via Joseph M. Acaba/NASA




Bilder vom 17. Dezember 2017 – 28. Dezember 2017 via Joseph M. Acaba (USA/NASA), Mark Thomas Vande Hei (USA/NASA) und Anton Schkaplerow (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten Joseph M. Acaba, Mark Thomas Vande Hei und Anton Schkaplerow gehören zur ISS-Expedition 54.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Mark Thomas Vande Hei auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

Scott Tingle auf Twitter

Anton Schkaplerow auf Twitter

“ I can’t think of a better movie theater to watch Star Wars than on the !“ /via Joseph M. Acaba/NASA

“ Hello Little Rock, Memphis, Jackson, New Orleans, Birmingham, Miami, and many places in between! “ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA

“ Hello, Little Rock, Arkansas!“ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA

“ Hello to Jamaica from !“ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA

“ Hello, Memphis Tennessee!“ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA

“ Hello, Detroit to Alpena to Kitchener to Detroit!“ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA

“ Hello, Toronto and Buffalo!“ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA

“ Hello Baltimore and Washington D.C.!“ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA

“ Merry Christmas from the International Space Station!“ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA

“ Hello Jamaica! Seven Mile Beach is looking sunny and warm from . Negril West End  “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA




Bilder vom 14. März 2017 – 16. März 2017 via Shane Kimbrough (USA/NASA) undThomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Shane Kimbrough und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 50.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Facebook

“ Here is a view of the from . It looks like a powerful storm over some parts of the Northeast US. Stay safe! “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA

“ Un projet de l’: 1,2M de graines de 🍅pour que des écoliers observent l’effet du rayonnement spatial sur celles-ci!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ 1.2 million tomato seeds for Canadian students to grow at school and compare results – does space radiation change growth?  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Quiberon looks inviting from space, even in the winter… but the water is probably rather cold even for the locals “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ A view of the coasts of , with the peninsula of very visible on the bottom left 🇸🇳 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Une vue très détaillée de , capitale du Sénégal et une des villes les plus dynamiques d’Afrique de l’ouest! 🇸🇳 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ A very detailed shot of , , one of the most dynamic cities in Africa!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Snow in the desert! A few flakes have fallen on the foothills of the Atlas Mountains, on the fringes of the Great Eastern Sand Sea ☀️❄️ “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Everybody has an urge to cross frozen rivers on foot don’t they? Voronezh “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ A city whose name is well-known beyond the French borders: St Tropez! Facing Ste Maxime and with its back to Cogolin  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

„Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA


Bilder vom 12./13. Februar 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA), Terry Virts (USA/NASAund Barry Wilmore (USA/NASA).Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Virts und Barry Wilmore gehören zur ISS-Expedition 42.


NASA:Busy Traffic Period at Station As Crew Works Research


Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook

Anton Schkaplerow auf Instagram


The Data2364-space Daily

„Along the Rhine from Cologne to Duisburg and the famous Ruhr area. Hello and hello @ESA_EAC !“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Final stretch for the river, most sacred river to Hindus.“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

“ „Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows“ … Helen Keller “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„The island of Corsica at dusk snow capped mountains sticking up through the haze“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

and shining in the evening sun“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

over the Med, , Adriatic, and Alps“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

and “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

and  “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

“ „Heavenly storehouses laden with snow“- what much of New England is getting today, again “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

and the Green Mountains to the north and to the south getting more !“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„The East Coast looks pretty much like this- White!“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Gulf Coast of the with smoke from burning fields“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Nothing beats a good black and white photo.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„You can really see where it has rained in Louisiana and Mississippi.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

of . Can you find them?”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

sleeping under   /via @NASA_Astronauts

sights in   /via @NASA_Astronauts

sights in   /via @NASA_Astronauts

sights in   /via @NASA_Astronauts

,   /via @NASA_Astronauts

looks like dripping paint. Central Simpson Desert to Lake Koolivoo.”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

and other cities at night followed closely by approaching sun”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

“The of and beyond”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

„The of and beyond”   /via @NASA_Astronauts

“What does the look like in the dark? Yes our home can be !   /via @NASA_Astronauts

“The light is a mixture of red, blue, and green LED’s.   /via @NASA_Astronauts

studies plant growth in space to benefit !  /via @NASA_Astronauts

„Busy traffic. leaves Saturday Russian spacecraft preps for Tuesday launch… “ /via @Space_Station/NASA

„Busy traffic. leaves Saturday Russian spacecraft preps for Tuesday launch… “ /via @Space_Station/NASA

„100 gg a e per @ShortFoodMovie ci sarò anche io! @esa @ASI_spazio @ItalianAirForce http://shortfoodmovie.expo2015.org/it/contest/expo-short-food-movie/video/n39zFoUi/14127/title/samantha-cristoforetti-per-short-food-movie-expo2015-14127 “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA



Bilder vom 19./20. Januar 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA) und Terry Virts (USA/NASA). Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti und Terry Virts gehören zur ISS-Expedition 42.

Die Bodenkontrolle hat Fehlerbehebungsarbeiten abgeschlossen nach einem Fehlalarm in der letzten Woche, welcher ein Ammoniak-Leck angezeigt hatte. Wärmetauscher und Thermalkontrollsysteme auf der US-Seite der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) wurden wiederhergestellt und reintegriert und arbeiten in hervorragender Form. Kommandant Barry Wilmore (USA/NASA) reinigte Kühlkreisläufe eines US-Weltraumanzugs, als er einen ungewöhnlich lauten Mischpumpenseparator in dem Anzug hörte. Er alarmierte Raumanzug-Ingenieure, die derzeit das Problem am Boden diskutieren. Besatzungsmitglieder haben über das Wochenende einen schlechten Geruch bemerkt, der aus dem angedockten europäischen Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) kommt und schlossen seine Luke. Kontrolleure der ESA führten dann Abfalltank-Lecktests durch und fanden keine Hinweise auf Lecks. Bordingenieur Alexander Samokutjajew (Russland/Roskosmos) wird eingesetzt, um den Raumfrachter erneut zu betreten und wird bei der Untersuchung eine Atemmaske tragen.




NASA:Specialists Discuss Spacesuit Work, Crew Investigates ATV Odor



Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook


The Data2364-space Daily

„n the mountains of . You can follow the river all the way to Baikonur! “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Thought I might not be around next time it comes by, so I looked for comet . Can you see the green dot?“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Quite some thunderstorms last night over Southern ! / Un bel po‘ di lampi sopra il Sud l’altra notte!“ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

„Hey my friend… I know that floating is really fun, but where are you going? “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

“ this black „freezing block“ freezes bacteria samples from Micro-5 almost instantly to -95 deg C “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Looking back over southern “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

and “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Comet from space!“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Orion silhouetted against a dark Earth atmosphere- it’s barely visible with no moon“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Mars setting behind a very dark Earth limb“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

in great shape after last week’s false alarm. works spacesuit & @ESA issues. http://blogs.nasa.gov/spacestation/?p=567 “ /via @Space_Station/NASA