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Tag Archives: Falkland-Inseln

“ Good night from . DC, NY, Toronto, Cleveland, and surrounding areas!“ /via Mark Thomas Vande Hei/NASA




Bilder vom 12. Januar 2018 – 28. Januar 2018 via Mark Thomas Vande Hei (USA/NASA) und Anton Schkaplerow  (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten Mark Thomas Vande Hei und Anton Schkaplerow gehören zur ISS-Expedition 54.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Mark Thomas Vande Hei auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

Scott Tingle auf Twitter

Anton Schkaplerow auf Twitter

“ А вы уже видели новые купюры? На 200 руб. изображен мой родной , а на 2000 руб. Дальний Восток – мост на остров Русский и космодром .“ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

“ Солнечный батареи – источник всей электроэнергии на станции! Их площадь можно сопоставить с 8 баскетбольными площадками. 🏀🚀 // The only readily available source of energy for the ISS is sunlight. Solar panels of the ISS cover an area the size of eight basketball courts.“ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

“ Земля спряталась под одеялом из облаков ☁️ // Earth covered by a blanket of clouds ☁️“ /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

“ The Perito Moreno Glacier is the world’s third largest reserve of fresh water. It grows at a rate of 2 meters per day. According to program of “Uragan” (Hurricane) experiment, cosmonauts observes (and taking photos) the glacier of Patagonia.“  /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

“ Cо мной всегда моя семья, даже в космосе! ❤// My family is always with me, even in space! ❤“  /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

“ Восточный Фолкленд – крупнейший остров архипелага в юго-западной части Атлантического океана. // East Falkland is the largest island of the in the South Atlantic.“  /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

“ Сегодня у меня юбилей – я провел 400 дней в космосе, если сложить все три полета! // Today I celebrate 400 days in space!“  /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

“ Так выглядит с борта космической станции побережье , которое растянулось практически вдоль всей Латинской Америки/ // The coast of from the .“  /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

для нас (обитателей космической станции) не означает ни время отбоя, ни даже окончание рабочего дня. Ведь за сутки мы видим их 16 раз! 👨‍🚀 // does not mean the end of the working day for us, because we see 16 sunsets a day! 👨‍🚀“  /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

“ На фото я провожу эксперимент „ДАН“. Проходите по ссылке, чтобы узнать о нем подробнее – .“  /via Anton Schkaplerow/Roskosmos

„Atolls, the jewels of the Earth. Atolli, i gioielli della Terra. “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA


Bilder vom 9./10./11. Mai 2015 via Samantha Cristoforetti (Italien/ESA), Terry Virts (USA/NASA) und Scott Kelly (USA/NASA). Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti, Terry Virts und Scott Kelly gehören zur ISS-Expedition 43.



Samantha Cristoforetti auf Facebook

Scott Kelly auf Twitter

Anton Schkaplerow auf Instagram

„Atolls, the jewels of the Earth. Atolli, i gioielli della Terra. “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Atolls, the jewels of the Earth. Atolli, i gioielli della Terra. “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Atolls, the jewels of the Earth. Atolli, i gioielli della Terra. “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„The sun glint creating magic off the coast of Hokkaido. Hello ! “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„That Progress parking spot on the horizon is free now… if you want to stop by, we welcome visits on short notice.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Hallo and ! I also can see Oakdale, where I went to school for one year as an exchange student!“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Still night on Earth beneath us, but light already caresses .“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Good night from . Buona notte dallo spazio.“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Hello ! Ciao Venezia! “ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Fishing boats… what an intriguing visual effects as the light shines through a cloud layer!“ /via Samantha Cristoforetti/ESA

„Early morning over the @GrandCanyonNPS.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Morning shadows just east of the @GrandCanyonNPS.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

!!! Here’s a picture for all the moms out there- we appreciate you!“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Enjoying the final round of the . A nice (but fleeting) view as we travel 5 miles per second.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„The Himalayan peaks are amazing at sunset. Mt Kangchenjunga in sunlight, while the other peaks fall into shadow.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„Mt Kangchenjunga, 3rd highest peak in the world. Thought to be the highest when Everest was still known as Peak XV.“ /via Terry Virts/NASA

„I don’t know where in the US Southwest this is, but it sure is beautiful. “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

, your clouds and remoteness have shielded you for a long time, but I finally got my eye on you.“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„These dark clouds in the US heartland look very threatening. Be safe! “ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

from space. .“ /via Scott Kelly/NASA

„Ночное побережье Персидского залива (Persian Gulf at Night)  “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos


Bilder via Oleg Artemjew (Russland/Roskosmos). Der Kosmonaut Oleg Artemjew gehörte zur ISS-Expedition 40.



The Data2364-space Daily

Oleg Artemjew auf Twitter

() “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

Залив, и (Gulf of , and ) “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„Фолклендские (Мальвинские) ( () ) “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

Южной (Southern Glacial Field ) “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

Респ. ( Republic of ) “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„На Земле облачно… (Under a cloudy sky… ) “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

„Над (Over the ) “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

. (Chamu Cuo, Kahu Cuo, 查木错 喀湖错) “ /via Oleg Artemjew/Roskosmos

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„Finally seeing with my own eyes some of those beautiful atolls in the Pacific! “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA


Bilder vom 1./2. Dezember 2014 via Samantha Cristoforetti ((Italien/ESA) und Terry Virts (USA/NASA). Die Astronauten Samantha Cristoforetti und Terry Virts gehören zur ISS-Expedition 42


Die Astronauten Barry Wilmore (USA/NASA) und Terry Virts absolvierten am Montag komplizierte Wartung eines Geräts, das Kohlendioxid aus der Atmosphäre der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) entfernt. Das Duo nahm später mit Samantha Cristoforetti und Kosmonaut Anton Schkaplerow (Russland/Roskosmos) an einer Überprüfung der Notfallmaßnahmen und Evakuierungswege teil. Der Kosmonaut Alexander Samokutjajew (Russland/Roskosmos) verbrachte den Morgen mit dem Entladen von Fracht aus dem Progress M-25MRaumtransporter. Im Laufe des Nachmittags arbeitete er an der Wartung im russischen Segment des orbitalen Labors. Die erste weibliche Kosmonautin in der Station, Jelena Serowa (Russland/Roskosmos), aktualisierte Antivirenprogramme auf Laptop-Computern und reinigte Lüfter und Filter. Sie arbeitete auch an einer Vielzahl von wissenschaftlichen Experimenten, einschließlich des Studiums der Durchblutung in der Schwerelosigkeit und erweiterte Weltraum-Fotografie-Techniken.


NASA:New Station Trio Trains for Emergencies



The Data2364-space Daily


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„Cloudy over tip of S.America, but hole in the cloud coverage allowed me to see the Falkland Islands(Islas Malvinas). “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

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„The Japanese robotic arm remained extended over the weekend after deployment of Spinsat satellite on Friday. “ /via Samantha Cristoforett/ESA

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„A great way to start my birthday! “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

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„I wanted to take a night pic of Houston- but the sun rose as I was flying over “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

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„and a perfect ending to my birthday- thanks for all of the well wishes! “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

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„a great way to celebrate my birthday, with this awesome crew “ /via Terry Virts/NASA

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„Wishing a truly out-of-this-world as he celebrates from the today.“ /via @Space_Station/NASA

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& new trio w/ train for emergency, advanced science continues “ /via @Space_Station/NASA

„sorry another northern lights photo, but they just keep getting better!“ /via Michael Hopkins/NASA


Bilder vom 3./6./7. Februar 2014 via Michael Hopkins (USA/NASA), Richard Mastracchio (USA/NASA) und Kōichi Wakata (Japan/JAXA). Die Astronauten Michael Hopkins, Richard Mastracchio und Kōichi Wakata gehören zur ISS-Expedition 38.


Michael Hopkins auf Twitter

Richard Mastracchio auf Twitter

Kōichi Wakata auf Twitter

Rick Mastracchio auf Facebook


„Performed experiment yesterday collecting my blood pressure after restricting blood flow to legs for 3 min.“ /via Michael Hopkins/NASA


„Lots of Time over South America – What makes these lakes in Patagonia so green?“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„Falklands off of South America.“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„Great pass up the east coast of South America today.Limited time to identify all these beautiful places“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„Rio – Guess off the top of my head.“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„Incredible colors and patterns in the water.“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„The contrail of the Ariane 5 from French Guiana as seen from the ISS just a few minutes ago“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„A progress launch out of Baikonur (Wed) as seen from ISS. 6 hours later it docked. I’ve seen 2 launches in 2 days now“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„節分の今日、有人宇宙活動の更なる飛躍を願って、きぼう日本実験棟の中で豆まきをしました。(フィルターに詰まってしまうのを避けるため袋のままですが。)“ /via Kōichi Wakata/JAXA


„Great day to prepare for Nanoracks Cubesat deployment in Kibo. The satellites will be deployed using Kibo’s robotics.“ /via Kōichi Wakata/JAXA


#宇宙俳句: 貨物機の 地球の香り 青りんご あなたの#俳句もつぶやいて“ /via Kōichi Wakata/JAXA


#Spacehaiku: Smell of the Earth From the fresh green apples Just arrived on Progress Tweet your #haiku !“ /via Kōichi Wakata/JAXA



via NASA


Eine genaue Untersuchung dieses Bildes, aufgenommen von einem ISS-Expedition 38-Crew-Mitglied an Bord der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS), zeigt eine stecknadelkopfgroße Ansicht eines Objekts, das eigentlich der Komet ISON ist, gerade rechts von der Mitte und ein wenig unterhalb der Mitte im Rahmen gesehen. Hardware-Komponenten der ISS und die Erdatmosphäre über dem Horizont nehmen den größten Teil des Bildes ein. Die meisten anderen hellen Punkte am Firmament sind Himmelskörper. Der Komet ist durch seinen Schweif zu unterscheiden.


Michael Hopkins auf Twitter

Richard Mastracchio auf Twitter

Kōichi Wakata auf Twitter

Rick Mastracchio auf Facebook

„Glacier in Patagonia. almost looks like a highway. wonder what causes the streaks?“ /via Michael Hopkins/NASA


Bilder vom 3. Dezember 2013 via Michael Hopkins (USA/NASA), Richard Mastracchio (USA/NASA) und Kōichi Wakata (Japan/JAXA). Die Astronauten Michael Hopkins, Richard Mastracchio und Kōichi Wakata gehören zur ISS-Expedition 38.


Michael Hopkins auf Twitter

Richard Mastracchio auf Twitter

Kōichi Wakata auf Twitter

Rick Mastracchio auf Facebook


„Not abstract art, not an alien planet. It is Australia. Incredible country.“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„The longest linear dunes on Earth (up to 200 miles) are in the Simpson Desert. These are near Birdsville in Queensland. The clouds leave fascinating shadows. Taken by Rick Mastracchio with a 180mm lens from the International Space Station December 3, 2013.“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„The Diamantina River (left) & Hamilton River flow through central Queensland, in northeast Australia. Taken by Rick Mastracchio with a 180mm lens from the International Space Station December 3, 2013.“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„New Guinea is north of the shallow Gulf of Carpetaria in northern Australia. For a map view, turn 90° left. Taken by Rick Mastracchio with a 180mm lens from the International Space Station December 3, 2013.“ /via Richard Mastracchio/NASA


„Falkland Islands – many unique shapes of islands“ /via Kōichi Wakata/JAXA


„Sydney, Australia – Looks beautiful from the ISS orbit.“ /via Kōichi Wakata/JAXA