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Tag Archives: Taranaki

„A village in Kazakhstan, I believe. “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA






Bilder vom 25. November – 3. Dezember 2018 via Alexander Gerst  (Deutschland/ESA). Der Astronaut   Alexander Gerst gehört zur ISS-Expedition 57.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Alexander Gerst auf Twitter

Andrew J. Feustel auf Twitter

Richard R. Arnold auf Twitter

Oleg Artemjew auf Twitter

Serena Auñón-Chancellor auf Twitter

„How come every time I climbed Mt Taranaki in New Zealand, it was covered in clouds? / Wieso war Mt. Taranaki in Neuseeland eigentlich immer in Wolken, wenn ich ihn bestiegen habe? “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„The infamous Chernobyl nuclear power plant seen from orbit during the mission in 2014 (bottom right) and in 2018 (left and top right). The large containment building has now been moved over the damaged reactor.“ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

“ „It is not down on any map; true places never are.“ Herman Melville, from Moby Dick or, The Whale “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

“ „It is not down on any map; true places never are.“ Herman Melville, from Moby Dick or, The Whale “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„Greetings to ! / Grüße nach Schottland! (Foto vom August 2018) “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„A lone volcanic island in Antarctica. What a fascinating frozen world of ice. And yet life exists there. Do you think there might be life on Mars? Let’s find out!   “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„A lone volcanic island in Antarctica. What a fascinating frozen world of ice. And yet life exists there. Do you think there might be life on Mars? Let’s find out!   “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

“ Wolkenschatten in Australien / Cloud shadows in Australia.“ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„Heading north. A small iceberg in the Antarctic. What will happen to the sea level if we accidentally melt the Greenland ice cap? “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„All greatness becomes small in light of infinity. Or, rather, in its lack of light. “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„All greatness becomes small in light of infinity. Or, rather, in its lack of light. “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„Just a subtle line of perforations in the blue, but actually a tectonic plate boundary. My fellow-geophysicist  took this amazing photo of Indonesia’s volcano island chain. “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

“ Good night from . Beautiful city lights of Seoul, South Korea.“ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA




Bilder vom 12. Februar 2017 – 14. Februar 2017 via Shane Kimbrough (USA/NASA),Peggy Whitson  (USA/NASA) und Thomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Shane Kimbrough, Peggy Whitson und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 50.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

“ Zipped inside a cargo bag & took me over to the Russian segment. They were quite surprised when I popped out! “ /via Peggy Whitson/NASA

“ Un lac bicolore, perdu dans l’immensité de l’outback australien 🇦🇺  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Australia never ceases to surprise. What on Earth is that? Its diameter is probably 100km or more 🇦🇺  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ . Nice view! Here’s a pic of the launchpad and Vega launchpad.  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Looking down at Earth’s features, I often forget that looking sideways is equally impressive! 🌏  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ J’espère que cette fois je vais porter chance au XV de France!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Colours are stunning in the highlands of Kenya 🇰🇪  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Dublin at night. Always a great city to visit, with a fantastic atmosphere 🇮🇪  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The beautiful bay of Acapulco, Mexico. Seems very popular, judging by the number of boats visible. Looking for a holiday in the sun? 🇲🇽 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The coast of Mexico sometimes seems to allow water to mix with land 🇲🇽  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Training for capture. 1 joystick to control rotations, 1 for translations. Like flying a plane, but more tridimensional 👨‍✈️ “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Palermo, in Sicily: the home island of my friend 🇮🇹  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The Taranaki volcano in is a perfect circle emerging from the green forest „/via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Venice, city of gondoliers and the lovers they carry along the canals. Happy !  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ This heart-shaped lake… has struck again 😉 / Un lac en forme de ❤️️ !  „/via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

„This one is for all my dear friends in the Land of the Long White Cloud, Aotearoa! “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

Bilder vom  30. Juli 2014  via Alexander Gerst (Deutschland/ESA), Gregory Reid Wiseman (USA/NASA) und Oleg Artjemjew (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten Alexander Gerst, Gregory Reid Wiseman und Oleg Artjemjew gehören zur ISS-Expedition 40 .


Alexander Gerst auf Twitter

Alexander Gerst auf Facebook

Gregory Reid Wiseman auf Twitter

Oleg Artjemjew auf Twitter

Maxim Surajew auf Twitter

„Aus dem Weltall gut zu sehen: Flut am . “ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

„Two weeks ago, this flooded part of the River looked very different! BlueDot“ /via Alexander Gerst/ESA

– the Okavango Swamp in Botswana through a 400mm lens.“ /via Gregory Reid Wiseman/NASA

„It is tough to concentrate at the gym when this is the view.“ /via Gregory Reid Wiseman/NASA

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„Volcanoes of New Zealand – Ngauruhoe, Tongariro, Rupehu, Taranaki detail in blog “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos

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„Volcanoes of New Zealand – Ngauruhoe, Tongariro, Rupehu, Taranaki detail in blog “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos

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„Volcanoes of New Zealand – Ngauruhoe, Tongariro, Rupehu, Taranaki detail in blog “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos

„Установка термостата ТБУ-В подр. в блоге (TBU-V Thermostat Installation det/ blog) “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos

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„Earth Paints – Marquesas Keys, Florida, USA. more in blog “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos

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„Earth Paints – Marquesas Keys, Florida, USA. more in blog “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos

„Таинств. знаки Южной Америки блог (Mysterious Signs South America HQ blog) “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos

„Дымят камчатские вулканы см. блог (The Kamchatka Volcanoes smoke HQ blog) “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos

„Краски Земли — блог ( Paints HQ blog) “ /via Oleg Artjemjew/Roskosmos