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Tag Archives: Gyumri

“ Looking west over the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. from the amazing . “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA




Bilder vom 20. März 2017 – 22. März 2017 via Shane Kimbrough (USA/NASA) und Thomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Shane Kimbrough und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 50.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Facebook

“ Spectacular views of O’ahu Hawaii from – Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Diamond Head State Monument, Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve.“ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA

“ Spectacular views of O’ahu Hawaii from – Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Diamond Head State Monument, Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve.“ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA

“ Merci pour les super questions à tous les enfants présents cet après-midi à la conférence ! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

et sa médina, adossées à la Méditerranée dans la douceur de la nuit “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ This city seems to sit on a carpet of snow, in Chechnya. We can go from the Sahara to the Caucasus on the same orbit in as little as 2 mins “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Texture in the snow: the forests seem to blanket this Lego-brick city in Russia 🇷🇺   “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ 22 years ago today the entered into force – we need to use more renewable energy! Those strange shapes are docks for oil tankers…“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ . working with the microgravity science glovebox. She worked over the weekend and looked at stem cells  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Mount Etna, in Sicily. The volcano is currently erupting and the molten lava is visible from space, at night! (the red lines on the left) “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Champs d’un vert luxuriant sur les bords du Nil, paysages dénudés ailleurs. L‘ est source de vie! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Valley of the Nile river: lush and green next to the water, completely bare elsewhere. Water is life, so let’s keep it clean “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ We don’t want microbes to proliferate on ISS! We clean it carefully but we also monitor microbial growth in water and on all surfaces…“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA