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Bilder vom 31. Oktober 2017 – 2. November 2017 via Randolph Bresnik  (USA/NASA), Paolo Nespoli (Italien/ESA) und Sergei Rjasanski (Russland/Roskosmos). Die Astronauten  Randolph Bresnik, Paolo Nespoli und Sergei Rjasanski gehören zur ISS-Expedition 53.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Paolo Nespoli auf Twitter

Randolph Bresnik auf Twitter

Sergei Rjasanski auf Twitter

Mark Thomas Vande Hei auf Twitter

Joseph M. Acaba auf Twitter

“ Thing Addams paying us a visit for ! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Our two Soyuz resting outside the after the ride from Earth… I wish every parking spot had this kind of view! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Southern and Sicily framed by one of our Cupola windows! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ We recently flew over Port Said, in Egypt. It’s amazing to see green cultivated fields so close to the desert! “ /via Paolo Nespoli/ESA

“ Озеро Ван — самое большое озеро Турции. // Lake Van is the largest lake in Turkey.“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ In the modern architecture of the city is not less beautiful than historical buildings“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ In the modern architecture of the city is not less beautiful than historical buildings“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ In the modern architecture of the city is not less beautiful than historical buildings“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

is a city of colorful paints, different architecture and multiethnic population. The sun shines here almost all year round!“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos

“ А вот так выглядят нефтяные платформы, расположенные в Каспийском // platforms located in the sea“ /via Sergei Rjasanski/Roskosmos