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Daily Archives: August 21st, 2023

Brent Spiner  (Android Lieutenant Commander Data) mit Patrick Stewart  (Captain Jean-Luc Picard), Jonathan Frakes  (Commander  William Riker), LeVar Burton  (Chefingenieur  Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn  (Sicherheitschef  Lieutenant Worf), Terry O’Quinn (Rear-Admiral Erik Pressman) & Joyce Robinson  (Fähnrich  Gates)  1994 in der Star Trek: The Next Generation  -Episode „Das Pegasus Projekt“.

Brent Spiner  (Android  Lieutenant Commander Data) with Patrick Stewart  (Captain Jean-Luc Picard), Jonathan Frakes  (Commander William Riker), LeVar Burton  (Chief Engineer  Lieutenant Commander  Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Security Chief  Lieutenant Worf), Terry O’Quinn (Rear-Admiral Erik Pressman) &  Joyce Robinson (Ensign Gates)   1994 in  Star Trek: The Next Generation    „The Pegasus“.

Mayim Bialik   (Neurobiologin Doktor    Amy Farrah Fowler)  mit  Jim Parsons (theoretischer Physiker Doktor Doktor Sheldon Cooper), Simon Helberg (Raumfahrtingenieur Howard Wolowitz) & Kunal Nayyar  (Astrophysiker Doktor Rajesh Koothrappali)   2010  in der The Big Bang Theory -Episode   „Nie mehr dumme Typen“.

Mayim Bialik     (Neurobiologist Doctor   Amy Farrah Fowler)  with Jim Parsons (theoretical Physicist Doctor Doctor Sheldon Cooper), Simon Helberg  (Aerospace Engineer Howard Wolowitz) & Kunal Nayyar  (Astrophysicist Doctor Rajesh Koothrappali)   2010 in  The Big Bang Theory     „The Lunar Excitation“.