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Tag Archives: Cerdanya Valley

“ Good evening London from ! “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA




Bilder vom 18. März 2017 – 20. März 2017 via Shane Kimbrough (USA/NASA) undThomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Shane Kimbrough und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 50.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Facebook

“ The Cerdanya valley between 🇪🇸 and 🇫🇷 loves sunshine. The mountains on either side block the clouds!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ ¡Hola! Au bord du Rio de la Plata chargé d’alluvions, Buenos Aires semble vibrer même d’ici! 💃🏾  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Buenos Aires, capital of , seems to be full of life even from up here. “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Denver at the feet of the Rocky Mountains that stop the plains of the Midwest in their tracks “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The airport of Larnaca, . LCA/LCLK  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Today we said good bye to ! She is taking part of us back to ground with her – important scientific samples, some from the crew!“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Dragon waiting to be released, above the dunes of Namibia Le prêt à être relâché, au-dessus des dunes de Namibie“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

and facing each other on the . Different technology, different language, same goal – return to Earth!“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Quelques minutes après sa relâche, le redevient livré à lui-même, prêt à affronter une rentrée atmosphérique flamboyante 🔥 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

„At a distance of 150 m in the dark, this is all we can see from the : navigation lights reflecting on the solar array wings “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ It has become somewhat of a tradition with all the visiting vehicles recently: please bear with us for the requisite selfie 😉 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

„Contraste entre les vallées verdoyantes qui ondulent doucement vers la mer et le sommet nu et mort des volcans… entre 2 éruptions 🌋  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Snow on the summit of a volcano in Hawaii!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Une vallée encaissée dans les Pyrénées, du côté de Lourdes. J’aime l’impression de relief sur cette photo “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ La pointe sud de la et Bonifacio, la cité des falaises! La haute ville juchée sur le promontoire est facile à repérer “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA