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„Happy Nowruz (New Year) to Persians all over the globe. Here’s a view of Qods and the outskirts of Tehran from orbit.“ /via Chris Hadfield/CSA/NASA


Bilder vom 20. März 2013 via Chris Austin Hadfield (CSA) Twitter (@Cmdr_Hadfield). Hadfield ist Kommandant der  Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) und gehört zur ISS-Expedition 34/ISS-Expedition 35.


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„Homs, Syria. Currently enveloped in fighting – an uncertain future layered upon a storied past.“ /via Chris Hadfield/CSA/NASA


„Baghdad, Iraq. Gigantic capital along the Tigris. Once the largest city on Earth, millions of us call this city home.“ /via Chris Hadfield/CSA/NASA


„Tripoli, Lebanon. An important coastal city for thousands of years. Not to be confused with the Libyan capital.“ /via Chris Hadfield/CSA/NASA


„Shiraz, Iran – A city of culture and technology. The colourful roof choices complement the landscape well.“ /via Chris Hadfield/CSA/NASA


„Latakia (and Tartus), where Syria meets the Mediterranean. Serving as an important port city for thousands of years.“ /via Chris Hadfield/CSA/NASA


„Some of the things we build for ourselves are puzzlingly visible from space. Such as the islands of Dubai.“ /via Chris Hadfield/CSA/NASA


„Tonight’s Finale: The Nile and the Sinai, to Israel and beyond. One sweeping glance of human history.“ /via Chris Hadfield/CSA/NASA





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