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Tag Archives: Saint-Brieuc

„A spectacular : you tell me where it is. Hint: it’s in Africa or the Middle East   “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA




Bilder vom 11. April 2017 – 13. April 2017 via Thomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Der Astronaut Thomas Pesquet gehört zur ISS-Expedition 50/ISS-Expedition 51.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Facebook

“ Sometimes you almost recognise countries better by night: Belgium with its illuminated roads appears yellow, Germany has bluer lights “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ St. Brieuc in Brittany.. What I would give for a galette with cidre! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ The coasts of Syria. To think that such a beautiful landscape is the scene of so many atrocities “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Using the radio for contact with school children “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ 56 years ago Gagarin was the first to go to space. Since then, we’ve never stopped to explore! Happy everyone! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ St Jean de Luz in south-west has a very unique coastline 🇫🇷 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Cutest question yet: Friends‘ daughter saw me floating & wondered at what age I got super powers! was still here then “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Hello Dubai! The Palm Islands look amazing from . “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA




Bilder vom 26. Februar 2017 – 28. Februar 2017 via Shane Kimbrough (USA/NASA) und Thomas Pesquet (Frankreich/ESA). Die Astronauten Shane Kimbrough und Thomas Pesquet gehören zur ISS-Expedition 50.




The Data2364-space Daily

International Space Station

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Twitter

Robert Shane Kimbrough auf Instagram

Peggy Whitson auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Twitter

Thomas Pesquet auf Facebook

“ Good afternoon Athens, Greece from ! “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA

“ Good afternoon Athens, Greece from ! “ /via Shane Kimbrough/NASA

“ Our Soyuz flying over the Caribbean. Other Russian hardware has been seen around these parts, but mostly in Cuba! 😉 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ In the bay of St Brieuc you can make out small squares on the islets on the left. Oyster racks?  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Airport of Hyeres-Toulon (TLN/LFTH) and the surrounding beach, guess where I would rather be? 😉  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Good evening Madrid! The city where I had my first job seems just as vibrant from space as I remember it!  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Europe and Africa are so close geographically: here is the strait of Gibraltar, where they all but touch each other  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Le bien nommé cap de Bonne-Espérance, au sud du continent africain. Le passage en bateau doit valoir le détour (sans jeu de mot)! 🇿🇦 “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Cape Town, framed by the Lion’s head and the Table Mountain 🇿🇦  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Looking down into the Russian docking compartment. It also serves as airlock for Russian Orlan EVAs & as storage place the rest of the time! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Lots of celebrations at the moment… 100 days in space 😉  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ From northern Paris to (on the left). The lights of the south manage to overcome the veil of clouds, with this beautiful effect! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Merci à tous pour vos vœux d’anniversaire! Le cargo a justement apporté une bonne surprise: des …!! “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody, bought up a birthday treat: macarons!“ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ Hello Nice! Too bad we can’t see the carnival parades from up here 😉  “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA

“ View of the about to be berthed to Node 2 last week. Robotics operations are performed by ground teams at and “ /via Thomas Pesquet/ESA